Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metals

All metals are divided into ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ferrous metals are metals and alloys the main component of which is iron. The classification of ferrous metals includes iron, steel and its alloys. Metals in general and especially ferrous metals are of great importance in various construc­tions. Machine tools and machinery, steamships and locomotives, automobiles and bridges are produced by the steel industry. Non-ferrous metals are metals and alloys the main component of which is not iron but some other element such as copper, aluminium and others.

Some characteristics of non-ferrous metals are: high electric and heat conductivity, high corrosion resistance, non-magnetic qualities, light weight and easiness to fabrication. Zink, copper and lead sulphides, aluminium and tin oxides, magnesium, are the naturally occurring minerals from which these metals are extracted.

There are some properties of metals:

a) They can be known by specific by their specific metallic lustre.

b) Metals can be forged.

c) Metals can be pulled.

d) All metals, except mercury, are hard substances.

e) Metals are fusible andcan be melted.

f) Metals are good conductors of electricity.


Exercise 6.Explain the following words from the text.

Ferrous metals, alloys, machinery, non-ferrous metals, non-magnetic qualities, electric conductivity, corrosion resistance, steel industry.


Exercise 7.Retell the text answering the following questions.

1) What groups are all metals divided into?

2) What is the main component of ferrous metals and alloys?

3) Do ferrous metals include iron, steel and its alloys?

4) Are metals of great importance in machine-building?

5) Are automobiles made of ferrous metals?

6) Where else are ferrous metals used?

7) What's the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals?

7) How can all metals be known (distinguished)?

8) Can metals be forged and pulled?

9) Are all metals hard substances?

10) What are the main properties of metals?


Exercise 8. Match the words and expressions on the left with those on the right.

1) metal product a) формовка

2) ore b) деформировать

3) malleable c) лить

4) forming d) руда

5) cutting e) литейная форма

6) to deform f) литниковый остаток

7) pour g) ковкий; пластичный

8) mold h) молоток

9) hammer i) резание

10) forging temperature j) продукция металлообработки

11) excess material k) температура горячей ковки

12) finished part l) обработанная деталь

13) die m) стружки

14) chips n) штамп, пуансон, матрица

15) smelt o) подвергать плавке


Exercise 9. Before reading the text learn the following metalworking processes.

Casting- литьё, отливка

Sheet metal forming - листовая штамповка

Hot forging - горячая ковка

Drawing - волочение

Welding - сварка


Exercise 10.Read the text and underline all the cases of the Passive Voice.

Metalworking Processes

Metalworking is industry of working with metals to create individual parts or big structures. In the distant past people discovered that rocks now called ores could be smelted, producing metal. Further, they discovered that the metal product was malleable and ductile and thus able to be formed into various tools and put to other practical uses.

Metalworking generally is divided into the following categories, forming, cutting, and, joining. Each of these categories contains various processes.

Forming processes modify the shape of the object by deforming it, that is, without removing any material. Casting is an example of achieving a specific form by pouring metal into a mold and allowing it to cool. Sheet metal forming is widely used when parts of certain shape and size are needed. The metals are stretched in order to obtain the new shape. Hot forging is deformation with such tools as hammers while the material is at forging temperature. Drawing consists of pulling metal through a die.

Cutting is a collection of processes of removing excess material using tools. The result of cutting is two products, the excess material, and the finished part. The excess material is chips and excess metal. One of the most common examples of a chip producing process is drilling a hole in a metal part.

One of joining processes is welding. It is a fabrication process when metal parts are joined together by the application of heat, pressure, or a combination of both. Heat welding is the most common welding process used today.


Exercise 12. Translate the following words and word combinations from text “Metalworking processes” into Russian.

Rocks called ores, to be smelted, malleable, casting, mold, allowing it to cool, parts of certain shape and size, at forging temperature, chips or swarf, drilling, the most common examples, metals are stretched, hot forging, obtain the new shape.


Exercise 13. Translate into English.

В далеком прошлом, строения, ковкий, соединение, формовка, резание, удалять метал, выливать металл, листовая штамповка, штамп, отходы, обработанная деталь, литниковый остаток, металлическая деталь, сварка, применение тепла или давления.


Exercise 14.Rewrite the sentences in the Passive.

1) We will create individual parts and structures.

Individual parts ………………………………….…….

2) Further people discovered new properties of metals.

New properties of metals …………………………….

3) Three metalworking categories include various processes.

Various processes ……………………………………..

4) These processes modify the shape of the object by deforming it.

The shape of the object ……………………………...

5) The engineer poured metal into a mold and cooled it.

The metal ……………………………………………….

6) The student deformed the material with hammers while it was at forging temperature.

The material ……………………………………………

7) They must remove excess material using tools.

Excess material ………………………………………..

1) Scientists will drill a hole in a metal part.

A hole ……………………………………………………

9) People use heat welding very often today.

Heat welding …………………………………….……..

10) We need to obtain a new shape of the material.

A new shape of the material ………………………...


Exercise 15. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary of the lesson.


1) Во время горячей ковки металл может сильно деформироваться.

2) Листовая штамповка может быть горячей и холодной.

3) Алюминиевые и медные сплавы очень пластичны при деформации.

4) Много различных методов металлообработки было разработано для определенных целей.

5) Металлы важны в промышленности, так как они могут легко принимать разные формы.

6) В процессе ковки применяются технологии для увеличения пластичности металла.

7) Процесс сварки сильно зависит от свойств металлов, целей применения и оборудования.


Exercise 16. Speak on.

The importance of metalworking processes in our life.

