Найдите в следующих предложениях герундий, определите его функ-цию в предложении (подлежащее; часть сказуемого; дополнение; определение; обстоятельство).

Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. There are many ways of discovering underground oil. 2. The technique of well drilling goes far back into history. 3. The bit was raised up and down by several of men jumping on a spring board. 4. There is some doubt as to which country should be credited with having drilled the first commercial oil well. 5. The cable tool system was essentially a method of making a hole by repeated blows. 6. After drilling a few feet, the bit was pulled out. 7. No means was provided for stemming the flow of oil and gas. 8. With rotary method, the bit, instead of moving up and down, is attached to the bottom of a string of steel pipes and rotated by means of a rotary table.