Health as One of the Criteria of Air Traffic Controller Professional Selection

Exercise 7.1.1 Read and translate the text.

No doubt, a person who would like to be an ATCO should have a good health. He must pass a lot of medical examinations. Having become an ATCO, he gets the Medical Certificate which must be renewed every two years. If an air traffic controller has got some problems with his health the Aero Medical Section decides whether Medical certificate should be issued or refused.

An air traffic controller’s job is very stressful and responsible. He is responsible for the safety of flights. Any condition causing pain, discomfort or irritation can distract an ATCO from his tasks and thus, affect safety.

According to European Air Traffic Management Programme there are a lot of medical certification requirements:

· Particular attention is paid to heart diseases. If a controller has any symptoms of heart diseases he should pass exercise electrocardiography and it should be investigated. It means that he shall have complete investigations. The ATCOs who have heart diseases are assessed as unfit.

· Psychiatric and psychological requirements are very important. If a controller has got any problem with his state of mind it can lead to unforeseen consequences. That is why, any progressive disease of the nervous system is disqualifying. A full investigation by a specialist must be made. The psychological evaluation is broad-based and includes medical history, life event history in addition to personality tests and psychological interview.

· A controller shall have a good vision and shall not possess any abnormality of the function of the eyes.

· An ATCO should take a routine Ear-Nose-Throat examination. Of course, he must have a perfect hearing, which is tested at all examinations; he must understand correctly conversational speech when tested with each ear at a distance of two meters from. In the event of any significant defect being found, an ATCO is sent to a specialist for further evaluation, if his hearing has improved and achieved a normal standard a controller is assessed as fit.

· Like any human being, ATCOs can have different kinds of diseases, among them asthma, pancreatitis, diseases connected with the stomach and liver and so on. ATCOs may be temporally assessed as unfit. Then, licence privileges may be resumed upon satisfactory confirmation of full recovery.

Exercise 7.1.2 Answer the questions.

1. What should a person who would like to be an air traffic controller have?

2. How many medical examinations must he pass?

3. What does a person get after he has become a controller?

4. How often must this document be renewed?

5. When does the Aero Medical Section decide whether Medical certificate should be issued or refused?

6. What kind of job does an air traffic controller have?

7. What is he responsible for?

8. What can distract a controller from his tasks?

9. Are there any medical certification requirements a controller has to satisfy?

10. What kind of diseases is particular attention paid to?

11. What should a controller do if he has any symptoms of heart diseases?

12. Does it mean that he has to pass complete investigations?

13. Is the controller who has a heart disease assessed as fit?

14. Which requirements are very important?

15. If a controller has got any problem with his state of mind what can it lead to?

16. Which disease is also disqualifying?

17. Who must a full investigation be made by?

18. What is the psychological evaluation based on and what does it include?

19. Does a controller have to possess a good vision?

20. What can you tell about a routine Ear-Nose-Throat examination?

21. Must a controller have a good hearing?

22. What must he understand correctly and from what distance?

23. What is done in the event any significant defect has been found?

24. What happens if the controller’s hearing has improved?

25. What other diseases can a controller have?

26. May a controller be assessed as unfit only temporally?

27. When may licence privileges be resumed in such cases?

Exercise 7.1.3 Write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

1. A person who would like to be an air traffic controller may have a poor health.

2. He must pass a lot of medical examinations.

3. Before becoming a controller, he gets the Medical Certificate.

4. It must be renewed every three years.

5. If an air traffic controller has got some problems with his health, the Aero Medical Section decides whether Medical certificate should be issued or refused.

6. An air traffic controller’s job is quite easy.

7. He is responsible for the safety of flights.

8. Some conditions causing pain, discomfort or irritation can distract a controller from his tasks and thus, affect safety.

9. According to European Air Traffic Management Programme there are a lot of medical certification requirements.

10. Particular attention is paid to kidney diseases.

11. If a controller has any symptoms of heart diseases, he should pass exercise electrocardiography and it should be investigated.

12. It means that he shall have complete investigations.

13. The controllers who have heart diseases are assessed as temporarily unfit.

14. Psychiatric and psychological requirements are very important.

15. If a controller has got some problems with his state of mind it can lead to unforeseen consequences.

16. Any progressive disease of the nervous system is disqualifying.

17. A partial investigation must be made by a specialist.

18. The psychological evaluation only includes medical history and life event history.

19. A controller must have a good vision and mustn’t posses any abnormality of the function of the eyes.

20. A controller should take a routine Ear-Nose-Throat examination.

21. He may have a defective hearing.

22. He must understand correctly conversational speech when tested with each ear at a distance of five meters.

23. In the event of any significant defect being found, a controller is sent to a specialist for further evaluation.

24. Although his hearing may improve and achieve a normal standard, a controller is assessed as unfit.

25. Like any human being, a controller can have different kinds of diseases, among them asthma, pancreatitis, diseases connected with the stomach and liver and so on.

26. A controller may be temporally assessed as fit.

27. Licence privileges may not be resumed even after satisfactory confirmation of full recovery.

Exercise 7.1.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Лицензионное право; издавать; анамнез; история болезни; особый; зрение; нервное заболевание; панкреатит; непригодный; непредвиденный; тест на установление личности; обладать; прогрессирующее заболевание; астма; психологический; психиатрический; психологический опрос; отказывать; выздоровление; обновлять; требование; ответственный; возобновлять; типовой; удовлетворительный; стрессовый; временно; желудок; Медико-санитарная часть; оценивать; приносить вред; утверждени;е на широкой основе; разговорная речь; делать негодным; физическое недомогание; слух; оценка; недостаток; последствие; отвлекать; сомнение; пригодный; осмотр отоларинголога; нагрузочная электрокардиограмма; улучшаться; кроме того; сердечное заболевание; включать в себя; исследовать; печень.

Exercise 7.1.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

Besides; reach; endamage;; result; flaw; uneasiness; divert; comprise; ameliorate; uncontemplated; inappropriate; adequate; regular; resume renew; reject; have; special; convalescence; ache.

Exercise 7.1.6 State what part of speech the following words belong to.

Personality; interview; vision; abnormality; possess; routine; perfect; hearing; conversational; distance; significant; Improved; achieved; assessed; fit; being; connected; stomach; liver; privileges satisfactory; confirmation; recovery; full; health; examinations; renewed; decides; issued; refused; stressful; responsible; safety; condition; irritation; distract; affect; requirements; according; particular; diseases; means; complete; investigated; assessed; unfit.

Exercise 7.1.7 Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. The controller must pass a lot ____ medical examinations.

2. He is responsible ____ the safety ___ flights.

3. Any condition causing pain, discomfort or irritation can distract an ATCO ____ his tasks.

4. According to European Air Traffic Management Programme there are a lot ___ medical certification requirements.

5. Particular attention is paid ___ heart diseases.

6. If a controller has any symptoms ___ heart diseases, he should pass exercise electrocardiography.

7. The controllers who have heart diseases are assessed ___ unfit.

8. If a controller has got any problem ____ his state ___ mind it can lead ___ unforeseen consequences.

9. Any progressive disease ___ the nervous system is disqualifying.

10. A full investigation ___ a specialist must be made.

11. The psychological evaluation is broad-based and includes medical history, life event history ___ addition ____ personality tests and psychological interview.

12 A controller shall not posses any abnormality ___ the function ___ the eyes.

13. He must have a perfect hearing, which is tested ___ all examinations.

14. He must understand correctly conversational speech when tested ____ each ear ___ a distance ___ two meters,

15. ___ the event ___ any significant defect being found, an ATCO is sent ___ a specialist ____ further evaluation.

16. If his hearing has improved and achieved a normal standard, a controller is assessed ___ fit.

17. Like any human being, a controller can have different kinds ___ diseases, _____ them asthma, pancreatitis, diseases connected _____ the stomach and liver.

18. A controller may be temporally assessed ___ unfit.

19. Licence privileges may be resumed _____ satisfactory confirmation __ full recovery.

Exercise 7.1.8 Match the words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.


1. Aero Medical Section a. отвечать за…
2. issue a Medical Certificate b. психологическая оценка
3. be responsible for… c. признанный непригодным
4. affect safety d. непредсказуемые последствия
5. exercise electrocardiography e. выдать медицинское свидетельство
6. complete investigations f. медико-санитарная часть
7. assessed as unfit g. нагрузочная электрокардиограмма
8. unforeseen consequences h. негативно влиять на безопасность



1. progressive disease a. анамнез
2. psychological evaluation b. полное выздоровление
3. medical history c. осмотр отоларинголога
4. life event history d. лицензионные права
5. personality tests e. история болезни
6. Ear-Nose-Throat examination f. психологическая оценка
7. licence privileges g. прогрессирующее заболевание
8. full recovery h. тест на установление личности

Exercise 7.1.9 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. A person who would like to be an air traffic controller should have a good ________ (strength; health; education).

2. He must pass a lot of _________ (medical; technical; technological) examinations.

3. Having become a controller, he gets the Medical _________ (Mark; Definition; Certificate).

4. It must be _________ (renewed; returned; rewarded) every two years.

5. The Aero Medical Section ________ (defines; derives; decides) whether Medical Certificate should be ________ (published; edited; issued) or refused.

6. An air traffic controller’s job is very stressful and _________ (responding; repetitive; responsible).

7. He is responsible for the ________ (safety; sufficiency; support) of flights.

8. Any condition _______ (using; causing; finding) pain, discomfort or irritation can distract an ATCO from his tasks and _______ (this; that; thus), affect safety.

9. According to European Air Traffic Management Programme there are a lot of medical certification _________ (rewards: awards; requirements).

10. Particular attention is paid to heart _________ (ailments; sicknesses; diseases).

11. If a controller has any symptoms of heart diseases, he should pass ________ (example; exercise; exempt) electrocardiography and it should be investigated.

12. It means that he shall have complete __________ (investigations; investments; instruments).

13. The ATCOs who have heart diseases are ________ (assessed; accesed; exposed) as unfit.

14. Psychiatric and psychological requirements are very _________ (impressive; important; impatient).

15. If a controller has got any problem with his state of mind it can lead to unforeseen ____________ (consequences; concessions; compromises).

16. Any _________ (progress; progression ; progressive) disease of the nervous system is disqualifying.

17. A full ________ (invention; investigation; inversion) by a specialist must be made.

18. The psychological __________(examination; evaluation; equation) is broad-based.

19. It includes medical history, life event history in addition to _________ (personal; personification; personality) tests and psychological interview.

20. A controller shall have a good vision and shall not posses any ________ (abnormality; immorality; illegality) of the function of the eyes.

21. An ATCO should take a ________ (route; routed; routine) Ear-Nose-Throat examination.

22. He must have a perfect hearing, which is _________ (tempted; tested; testified) at all examinations.

23. He must understand correctly _________ (conversational; conversed; converted) speech when tested with each ear at a distance of two meters.

24. In the event of any _________ (significant; signed; assigned) defect being found, an ATCO is sent to a specialist for further evaluation.

25. If his hearing has improved and _________ (achieved; received; reported) a normal standard, a controller is assessed as fit.

26. Like any human being, ATCOs can have _______ (differential; refined; different) kinds of diseases.

27. A controller may be _______ (temporally; morally; mortally) assessed as unfit.

28. Licence privileges may be resumed after satisfactory __________ (consumption; consummation; confirmation) of full recovery.

Exercise 7.1.10 Fill in the gaps with the related words.

1. A person who would like to be an ATCO should have a good _______ (HEALTHY).

2. He must pass a lot of _________ (MEDICINE) examinations.

3. Having become an ATCO, he gets the Medical ___________ (CERTIFY) which must be renewed every two years.

4. If an air traffic controller has got some problems with his health the Aero Medical Section _________ (DECISION) whether Medical certificate should be issued or ________ (REFUSAL).

5. An air traffic controller’s job is very stressful and __________ (RESPONSIBILITY).

6. He is responsible for the _______ (SAFE) of flights.

7. Any condition ________ (BECAUSE) pain, discomfort or _________ (IRRITATE) can distract an ATCO from his tasks.

8. According to European Air Traffic Management Programme there are a lot of medical certification __________ (REQUIRE).

9. __________ (PARTICULARITY) attention is paid to heart diseases.

10. If a controller has any symptoms of heart diseases he should pass exercise electrocardiography and it should be __________ (INVESTIGATION).

11. It means that he shall have _________ (COMPLETION) investigations.

12 The ATCOs who have heart diseases are _________ (ASSESSMENT) as unfit.

13. Psychiatric and psychological requirements are very ___________ (IMPORTANCE).

14. If a controller has got any problem with his state of mind it can lead to unforeseen ___________ (CONSEQUENT).

15. That is why, any _________ (PROGRESS) disease of the nervous system is ___________ (DISQUALIFY).

16. A full investigation by a __________ (SPECIALITY) must be made.

17. The psychological _________ (VALUE) is broad-based.

18. It includes medical history, life event history in ________ (ADD) to personality tests and psychological interview.

19. _______ (ABNORMAL) of the function of the eyes.

20. An ATCO should take a routine Ear-Nose-Throat ________ (EXAMINE).

21. He must have a perfect hearing, which is ________ (TEST) at all examinations.

22. He must understand correctly __________ (CONVERSATION) speech when tested with each ear at a _______ (DISTANT) of two meters from.

23. In the event of any ________ (SIGNIFICANCE) defect being found, an ATCO is sent to a specialist for further evaluation.

24. If his hearing has ________(IMPROVEMENT) and __________ (ACHIEVEMENT) a normal standard a controller is assessed as fit.

25. Like any human ______(BE), ATCOs can have _______ (DIFFRENCE) kinds of diseases.

26. They are asthma, pancreatitis, diseases _________ (CONNECTION) with the stomach and liver and so on.

27. ATCOs may be _________ (TEMPORAL) assessed as unfit.

28. Licence privileges may be _________ (RESUME) upon ________(SATISFY) confirmation of full recovery.

Exercise 7.1.11 Put the given words in the correct order.

1. health/ traffic/ a/ would/ person/ like/ to/ good/ be/ an/ air/ controller/ should/ have who a.

2. lot/ medical/ he/ must/ examinations/ pass/ a/ of.

3. gets/ Certificate/ become/ a/ having/ he/ the/ Medica/l controller.

4. renewed/ must/ be/ two/ years/ every/ it.

5. refused/ decides/ or/ the/ Medical/ Certificate/ Section/ whether/ Medical/ should/ Aero/ be/ issued.

6. air/ stressful/ traffic/ is/ very/ and/ controller’s/ an/ responsible/ job.

7. safety/ is/ flights/ responsible/ for/ the/ of/ he.

8. causing/ any/ tasks/ condition/ his/ controller/ pain/ can/ distract/ an/ condition/ a/ from.

9. requirements/ to/ Air/ certification/ Traffic/ Management/ there/ are/ European/ a/ lot/ of/ medical/ Programme/ according.

10. paid/ particular/ heart/ attention/ diseases/ to/ is.

11. a/ heart/ has/ be/ investigated/ any/ symptoms/ of/ diseases/ he/ should/ pass/ exercise/ electrocardiography/ and/ controller/ it/ should/ if.

12. it/ that/ he/ shall/ investigations/ have/ complete/ means.

13. assessed/ the/ unfit/ who/ heart/ controllers/ diseases/ are/ as/ have.

14. are/ and/ psychological/ important/ requirements/ very/ psychiatric.

15. a/ unforeseen/ can/ with/ controller/ has/ state/ got/ any/ if/ consequences/ problem/ his/ of/ mind/ it/ lead/ to.

16. a/ is/ ny/ of/ nervous/ disease/ the/ system/ disqualifying/ progressive.

17. specialist/ full/ made/ by/ a/ a/ must/ investigation/ be.

18. medical/ includes/ evaluation/ the/ history/ psychological.

19. vision/ controller/ shall/ good/ have/ a/ a.

20. abnormality/ shall/ not/ posses/ eyes/ function/ any/ he/ of/ the/ of/ the.

21. a/ Ear/-Nose-Throat/ controller/ take/ routine/ should/ a/ examination.

22. which/ must/ a/ perfect/ examinations/ hearing/ he/ is/ tested/ at/ have/ all.

23. two/ must/ meters/ understand/ distance/ correctly/ he/ speech/ when/ tested/ with/ each/ conversational/ ear/ at/ a/ of.

24. significant/ the/ of/ evaluation/ any/ in/ defect/ found/ a/ controller/ is/ sent/ to/ a/ specialist/ for/ further/ event/ being.

25. standard/ if/ fit/ his/ has/ improved/ and/ controller/ achieved/ hearing/ a/ normal/ a/ is/ assessed/ as.

26. like/ any/ human/ being/ ATCOs/ can/ have/ different/ kinds/ of/ diseases.

27. unfit/ a/ may/ assessed/ temporally/ be/ controller/ as.

28. satisfactory/ licence/ recovery/ after/ privileges/ resumed/ confirmation/ be/ of/ full/ may.

Exercise 7.1.12 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Без сомнения, человек, желающий стать авиадиспетчером, должен иметь хорошее здоровье.

2. Он должен пройти множество медосмотров.

3. Став диспетчером, он получает мдицинское свидетельство.

4. Оно должно обновляться каждые два года.

5. Если у диспетчера есть проблемы со здоровьем, медсанчасть решает, выдавать ему такое свидетельство или отказать в его выдаче.

6. Работа авиадиспетчера отвественная и полна стрессов.

7. Он отвечает за безопасность полетов.

8. Любое состояние, вызывающее боль, дискомфорт или раздражение может отвлекать диспетчера от выполнения служебных обязанностей и, таким образом, негативно влиять на безопасность полетов.

9. При выдаче медицинских сертификатов соблюдается ряд требований.

10. Особое внимание уделяется болезням сердца.

11. Если у диспетчера имеются симптомы заболевания сердца, он должен пройти нагрузочную электрокардиогрмму, которая тщательно анализаруется.

12. Это означает, что он должен пройти полное обследование.

13. Диспетчер, имеющие заболевание сердца, признается негодным для профессиональной деятельности.

14. Очень важны психические и психологические требования.

15. Если у диспетчера имеются проблемы с состоянием психики, это может привести к непредсказуемым последствиям.

16. Любое прогрессирующее заболевание психики является дисквалифицирующим фактором.

17. Полное обследование проводится специалистами.

18. Психологическая оценка личности проводится на широкой основе и включает изучение истории болезни, медицинской истории жизни помимо психологического собеседования и тестов на установление личности.

19. Диспетчер должен иметь хорошее зрение и не должен иметь каких-либо ненормальностей в области этой функции организма.

20 Диспетчер должен проходить регулярные осмотры отоларинголога.

21. Само собой разумеется, он должен иметь отличный слух, который проверяется во время всех медосмотров.

22. Он должен понимать разговорную речь каждым ухом с расстояния в два метра.

23. В случае обнаружения значительного изъяна слуха, диспетчера отправляют к специалисту на консультацию.

24. Если его слух улучшился и достиг стандартных показателей, диспетчер признается годным для своей работы.

25. Как и любое человеческое существо, диспетчер может иметь самые разные заболевания и среди них астма, панкреатит, болезни желудка, печени и другие.

26. Диспетчера могут признать временно негодным для работы.

27. После подтвержления полного выздоровления, его лицензионные права на работу могут возобновляться.

Exercise 7.1.14 Make up your own sentences using the words and word combinations.

Achieve; affect; assess; confirmation; consequence; discomfort; disqualify; vision; distract; doubt; evaluation; investigate; issue, licence; privilege; possess; recovery; renew; refuse; requirement; stressful; unforeseen.

Exercise 7.1.15 Retell the text.