Human Factors Within Systems

Exercise 6.2.1 Read and translate the text.

An ATC system aims to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of an air traffic and it is an example of a large human-machine system. In such systems, humans interact with machines to fulfil the functions of the system. However, individual humans do not usually have the same tasks, equipment or functions, although they may have similar training and qualifications. A safe and efficient ATC system must include appropriate technology. It must also have trained and knowledgeable professional air traffic controllers who can understand and use all available facilities to provide a satisfactory ATC service.

In addition to safety, orderliness and expedition, the ATC system can have several less known objectives – fuel conservation, noise abatement; minimum environmental disturbance; cost effectiveness; impartiality towards all users within the rules and regulations; and the granting of users’ requests whenever possible. A subsidiary but vital aim is to ensure the continued provision of a workforce of controllers who can fulfill the standards, policies and objectives of ATC with existing and new facilities and equipment.

Most Human Factors issues in ATC are not new but derive from fundamental human capabilities and limitations. Yet Human Factors has to respond to changes that originate elsewhere, for example in increased air traffic demands or technological advancements. The achievement of the full expected benefits of these advancements requires the successful matching of human and machine, so that humans do not impede technical progress because they have been given tasks beyond their capabilities. The aim of Human Factors in ATC is to match human capabilities and limitations with the specifications and design of the ATC system. This matching of human and system is an active process, the achievement of which may imply changes in either or both. Successful matching requires the correct application of the extensive Human Factors data available.

Human Factors applies knowledge of how human beings perceive, sense, learn, understand, interpret, process, remember and use information, and also applies knowledge of how to measure human performance and its effects within a functioning system. Human Factors examines the many ways in which the controller and the system can affect each other, and helps to reveal whether the main influence on events in the structure of ATC system or the actions of individual controllers. Human Factors knowledge is applied to ATC to understand and quantify the interactions between the system and the human. It is used to guide how each other and to suggest how human and system requirements that may appear to differ can nevertheless all be met, so that ATC efficiency and safety are optimized without harm to the controller.

Exercise 6.2.2 Answer the questions.

1. What is an ATC system aim for?

2. What is the role of individual humans in their activities?

3. What does ATC system include?

4. Which tasks of Human Factors do you know?

5. What is a subsidiary and vital aim of ATC system?

6. Are Human Factors issues new in ATC?

7. How are Human Factors problems solved?

8. Why is it necessary to conform human and machine?

9. What does successful matching require?

10. What does Human Factors examine?

11. How is Human Factors knowledge applied to ATC?

Exercise 6.2.3 Write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.

1. An ATC system aims to achieve a safe, orderly and expeditious flow of an air traffic.

2. Individual humans usually have the same tasks, equipment or functions.

3. The most important aim is to ensure the continued provision of a workforce of controllers.

4. Most Human Factors issues in ATC are new.

5. The aim of Human Factors in ATC is to match human capabilities and limitations with the specifications and design of the ATC system.

6. Successful meaning requires the correct application of the extensive Human Factors data available.

7. Human Factors examines the way in which the controller and the system can affect each other.

8. Human Factors knowledge is applied to ATC to understand this system.

9. Human Factors knowledge is used to understand human capabilities and limitations.

Exercise 6.2.4 Give the English equivalents for the following.

Упорядоченный и быстрый поток воздушного движения; люди взаимодействуют с машинами; соответствующие технические средства; хорошо подготовленные и знающие свое дело диспетчеры УВД; менее известные задачи; снижение шума; обеспечение рентабельности полетов; второстепенная, но очень важная задача; пополнение кадров диспетчеров; обеспечить реализацию; цели и задачи УВД; технические средства и оборудование; выходящие за пределы их возможностей; действия отдельных диспетчеров; взаимодействие системы УВД и человека.

Exercise 6.2.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and word combinations.

To provide, quick, people, the same, economy, noise decreasing, supplement, suitable technology, comprehend, secondary, important, task, make sure, replenishment, constant, follow, possibilities, acceptable, none the less, co-operation, use, demands.

Exercise 6.2.6 State what part of speech the following words belong to.

1. achieve

a) verb b) noun c) adverb d) participle

2. however

a) verb b) adverb c) preposition d) adjective

3. known

a) noun b) adverb c) verb d) participle

4. successful

a) noun b) adjective c) adverb d) verb

5. examine

a) verb b) participle c) noun d) adverb

6. imply

a) adjective b) noun c) verb d) adverb

7. extensive

a) pronoun b) adjective c) noun d) verb

8. within

a) pronoun b) conjunction c) noun d) preposition

9. fundamental

a) adjective b) noun c) adverb d) pronoun

10. perceive

a) noun b) adverb c) participle d) verb

Exercise 6.2.7 Match the words and word combinations in column A with those in column B.

1. an active process a. быстрый поток воздушного движения
2. derive from fundamental human capabilities and limitations b. безопасная и эффективная работа УВД
3. the main influence on events c. пример масштабной системы «человек-машина»
4. expeditious flow of an air traffic d. знающие свое дело диспетчеры УВД
5. extensive Human Factors e. успешное УВД
6. knowledgeable professional air traffic controllers f. экономия топлива
7. full expected benefits of these advancements h. справедливое отношение
8. to understand and quantify the interactions between the system and the human i. действующие правила и инструкции
9. an example of a large human-machine system j. важная задача
10. fuel conservation k. существующие и новые технические средства и оборудование
11. a satisfactory ATC service l. вытекать из основных возможностей и ограничений человека
12. a safe and efficient ATC system m. наиболее полная реализация преимуществ
13. vital aim n. динамический процесс
14. impartiality o. обширные сведения о человеческом факторе
15. existing and new facilities and equipment p. основное влияние на развитие событий
16. the rules and regulations q. понимать и качественно оценивать взаимодействия системы УВД и человека

Exercise 6.2.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. Humans __________ (co-operate, interact, act reciprocally) with machines.

2. A safe and efficient ATC system must include __________ (appropriate, suitable, proper) technology.

3. The controllers who can ___________ (carry out, execute, fulfil) the standards, policies and objectives of ATC.

4. The ATC system can have _________ (a few, several, a little) less known objectives.

5. The aim of Human Factors in ATC is to __________ (match, coordinate, submit) human capabilities and __________ (restrictions, limitations, scantiness) with the specifications and design of ATC system.

6. Successful matching ____________ (requires, depends, lies) the correct __________ (use, adaptation, application) of the extensive Human Factors data available.

7. Human Factors applies knowledge of how to measure human _________ (capacity for work, performance, efficiency).

8. Human Factors ___________ (examines, studies, considers) the many ways in which the controller and the system can __________ (affect, influence, have an influence) each other.

9. Human Factors knowledge is applied to ATC to understand and quantify the interactions between the system and the____________(man, person, human).

10. ATC__________(efficiency, efficacy, effectiveness) and __________(security, control, safety) are optimized without harm to the controller’s health.

Exercise 6.2.9 Fill in the gaps with the related words.

1. An ATC system aims to achieve a safe, _________ (ORDER) and expeditious flow of an air traffic.

2. Individual humans do not usually all have the same tasks, jobs, _________ (EQUIP) or functions.

3. Although they may have similar professional _________ (TRAIN) and qualifications.

4. It must also have trained and _____________ (KNOWLEDGE) professional air traffic (CONTROL) who can understand and use all available facilities.

5. The ATC system can have several less ____________ (KNOW) objectives.

6. A subsidiary but vital aim is to ensure the continued _________ (PROVIDE) of a workforce of controllers.

7. The _____________ (ACHIEVE) of the full expected benefits of these advancements requires the successful matching of human and machine.

8. Successful matching requires the correct __________ (APPLY) of the extensive Human Factors data available.

9. Human Factors applies knowledge of how to measure human _________ (PERFORM) and its effect within a __________ (FUNCTION) system.

10. It is ___ (USE) to guide how each should adapt to the other.

11. So that ATC ____________ (EFFICIENT) and __________ (SAFE) are optimized without harm to the controller’s health.

Exercise 6.2.10 Fill in the prepositions if necessary.

1. In such systems, humans interact _____________ machines to fulfil the functions _______ the system.

2. _______ addition _________ safety, orderliness and expedition, the ATC system can have several less known objectives.

3. And the granting __________ users’ requests.

4. Most Human Factors derive ________ fundamental human capabilities and limitations

5. Human Factors has to respond _________ changes that originate elsewhere, __________ example in increased air traffic demands a technological advancement.

6. The aim _________ Human Factors _______ ATC is to match human capabilities and limitations with the specifications and design of the ATC system.

7. This matching ___ human and system is an active process.

8. Human Factors knowledge is applied ________ ATC to understand and quantify the interactions __________ the system and the human.

9. ATC efficiency and safety are optimized __________ harm ________ the controller’s health.

Exercise 6.2.11 Put the given words in the correct order.

1. with /Humans /the /system /functions /the /interact /of /machines /with /to.

2. equipment /do /usually /jobs /Individual /functions /not /or /the /have /same/ tasks.

3. appropriate /a /ATC /and /safe /technology /system /efficient /include /must.

4. can /available /knowledgeable /air /controllers /understand /facilities/ traffic/ and/ professional /all /use.

5. the /is /aim /controllers /to /vital /the /provision /of /ensure /of /a/ continued/ workforce.

6. fulfill /the /standards /the /and /ATC /of /can /policies /controllers /objectives.

7. Human /in /most /ATC /new /are /issues /Factors /not.

8. from /Factors /human /derive /Human /issues /limitations /and /fundamental /capabilities.

9. of /active /this /and /system /matching /human /process /an /is.

10. Human /successful /data /requires /of /the /available /the /application /extensive /correct /Factors /matching.

11. to /how /to /after /the /it /each /used /guide /is /adapt /should.

Exercise 6.2.12 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Любая система УВД предназначена для обеспечения безопасного, упорядоченного и быстрого потока воздушного движения.

2. Люди взаимодействуют с машинами в целях выполнения этими системами своих функций.

3. Люди обычно не выполняют одинаковые функции, хотя могут иметь одинаковую профессиональную подготовку и квалификацию.

4. Одной из составных частей такой системы должны быть хорошо подготовленные и знающие свое дело диспетчеры УВД, которые знают обо всех имеющихся в наличии средствах обеспечения успешного УВД и могут умело их использовать.

5. Перед системой УВД может стоять ряд других, менее известных задач по экономии топлива, снижению шума, сведению до минимума воздействия на окружающую среду, обеспечению рентабельности полетов.

6. Требования, способные обеспечить реализацию целей и задач УВД с помощью существующих и новых технических средств и оборудования.

7. Проблемы, связанные с человеческим фактором, не являются чем-то новым, а вытекают из тех же основных возможностей и ограничений человека.

8. Эти проблемы должны решаться, учитывая происходящие в других областях изменения.

9. Необходимо согласовывать возможности человека и техники таким образом, чтобы люди не препятствовали развитию техники в тех случаях, когда необходимо выполнять задачи, выходящие за пределы их возможностей.

10. Решение проблем, связанных с человеческим фактором при УВД, прежде всего, заключается в согласовании возможностей и ограничений человека с техническими характеристиками и структурой УВД.

11. Согласование возможностей человека и системы представляет собой динамический процесс.

12. Успех согласования зависит от правильного применения имеющихся обширных сведений о человеческом факторе.

13. Учет человеческого фактора означает изучение аспектов многообразного взаимного влияния диспетчера и системы.

14. Знания в области человеческого фактора применяются в целях понимания и качественной оценки взаимодействия системы УВД и человека.

15. Добиваться того, чтобы требования, предъявленные к человеку и системе, на первый взгляд отличающиеся друг от друга, соблюдались.

16. Таким образом, знания в области человеческого фактора нужны для изучения влияния человека на систему и системы на человека.

Exercise 6.2.13 Make up your own sentences using the words and word combinations.

ATC system; equipment; Human Factors; humans; achieve; facilities; safe; orderly, expeditious, flow of an air traffic; professional training; fulfil; appropriate; standards; policies and objectives; capability; controller; training; knowledge; information; correct.

Exercise 6.2.14 Retell the text.