I. Определите тип придаточного предложения.

1. The question is whether they will be able to enforce the law.


a) обстоятельственное c) определительное
b) дополнительное d) сказуемое


2. The law says who may and may not have a gun.


a) дополнительное c) определительное
b) сказуемое d) обстоятельственное


3. When we shall start is uncertain.


a) подлежащее c) обстоятельственное
b) дополнительное d) определительное


4. New presidents cannot radically change governmental policies just as they wish.


a) сказуемое c) обстоятельственное
b) определительное d) дополнительное


5. The whole family wants to emigrate to the country in which there is more scope for individual enterprise.


a) обстоятельственное c) подлежащее
b) дополнительное d) определительное


6. The deserter didn’t dare to leave the house lest someone should recognize him.


a) сказуемое c) дополнительное
b) обстоятельственное d) определительное


7. Although they control their own elections the states cannot make laws against a citizen’s constitutional rights.


a) определительное c) обстоятельственное
b) дополнительное d) подлежащее


II. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого в услов­ных пред­ло­жениях.

1. If President Kennedy had not been assassinated in 1963, the Cold War … sooner.



a) might end c) could end
b) might have ended d) can end

2. In case the terrorist does not let the hostage go, the police … attack the building.


a) will have to c) would have to
b) could have to d) might have to


3. … you need to speak to the Senator again, you can contact him at this number.


a) Will c) Should
b) Shall d) Did


4. If the police worked properly, the crime rate … .


a) will fall c) can fall
b) would fall d) should fall


5. He …looking for a new job now if he had not been fired.


a) wouldn’t have been c) were not
b) will not be d) wouldn’t be


III. Выберите правильную форму сказуемого.

1. I closed the door so that we … overheard.

a) will be c) would be
b) should not be d) should be
a) will be c) would be
b) should not be d) should be


2. It is advisable he … fully … his new obligations.


a) will … recognize c) shall …recognize
b) should … recognize d) would … recognize


3. They tried to placate the mob lest the trouble … again.


a) should break out c) would break out
b) had broken out d) broke out


4. It was ordered that nobody … the town before the daybreak.


a) left c) leave
b) will leave d) might leave


5. There he is as if he … a right to come.


a) have c) should have
b) had d) has


6. Celea’s mother urged she … alimony from her ex-husband.