Unit 1. Matching exercises. Keys.

Exercise I:

1) emphasis, 2) euphemism, 3) exaggeration / hyperbole / overstatement, 4) irony, 5) metaphor, 6) paradox, 7) parallelism, 8) personification, 9) pun, 10) repetition, 11) rhetorical question, 12) sarcasm, 13) simile.

Exercise II:

(1) pun, 2) paradox, 3) antithesis, 4) parallelism, 5) accumulation, 6) exaggeration, 7) accumulation, 8) anticlimax, 9) emphasis, 10) rhethorical question, 11) anticlimax, 12) repetition, 13) metaphor, 14) irony, 15) sarcasm, 16) simile, 17) symbol, 18) personification, 19) climax, 20) alliteration, 21) anaphora, parallelism, repetition, 22) antithesis, 23) personification, 24) simile, 25) extended metaphor ("serpent" – "trail" – "uncoil"), 26) exaggeration, 27) paradox, 28) pun (dear = teuer / lieb), 29) antithesis, 30) climax).

List of authors whose texts were used in exercises

A.L.T. – Alfred Lord Tennyson

An.C. – Angela Carter

Ch. – Churchill

Gr.Gr. – Gr.Green

J. – J. Jones

Js.H. – J.Heller

K. – Kennedy

M.L.K. – Martin Luther King

N. – Lord Nelson

N.T. – N.Travis

O.W. – O. Wild

R.W. – R.P. Warren

St.H. – St. Heym

W.G1. – W. Golding

W. Sh. – W. Shakespeare

W.W. – William Wordsworth

Wr. – R. Wright

W. T. – W. Temple


O. – The Observer T. – Times

List of materials used

1. Гуревич В.В. English Stylistics. Стилистика английского языка: учебное пособие. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2007.

2. Кухаренко В.А. Практикум по стилистике английского языка. Seminars in Stylistics: учеб. пособие. – М.: Флинта: Наука, 2009.

3. Новикова И.А. Практикум к курсу английского языка. 4 курс. – 2-е изд., испр. и доп. – М.: Гуманитар. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2008.

4. http://www.classes.ru/grammar/123.Gilyanova-Ossovskaya-Turaeva/html/lesson8themoonandsixpencebywilliamsomersetmaugham18741965.html PP.103-107.