1. Answer the questions to the above text:
1. What is MS-DOS? 2. What do the programmes in the system allow to do? 3. What is a programme? 4. What is a file? 5. What can files contain? 6. What is a file name? 7. What are filename extensions for? 8. What is a directory? 9. Why should we give a disk a volume label? 10. What drives do you know? 11. What commands are for? 12. What is memory used for? 13. What devices do you know?
2. Give English equivalents:
расширение, метка тома, программное обеспечение, загружать в память, операционная система, дисковод, сообщение об ошибке, имя файла, клавиатура, устройство, ввод информации, вывод информации, создавать файл, выполнять программу, мышь.
3. Match up:
operating ....................................... a task
disk ................................................. label
to manage...................................... contents
application .................................... disk
to perform .................................... system
to describe ..................................... programmes and data
volume ..........................................files
floppy .........................................programs
hard .......................................... computer
to update ..................................... programme
to run .......................................... drives
to configure ..................................disk drive
4. Pick out the right definition:
1. Operating system
a) allows to communicate with computer and other devices;
b) a table of contents for the disk;
c) is a disk copy command.
2. Device
a) a disk drive;
b) a collection of related information;
c) a piece of hardware.
3. Programme
a) a place where information is stored;
b) instructions written in computer language;
c) devices to perform commands.
4). File
a) software;
b) error message;
c) collection of related information.
5). Volume label
a) internal name of disk;
b) device name;
c) filename.
5. Answer the questions:
1. What does MS-DOS allow to do?
2. What can you do if you load MS-DOS into your computer?
3. What are the synonyms of application programme?
4. What do files contain?
5. How many letters do filenames consist of?
6. How can an extension describe the contents of a file?
7. Is an internal name of a disk called a volume label or a drive name?
8. Is A drive meant for a floppy or a compact disk?
6. Find the correct answer:
1. What do you have to do to find the file you need?
a) To type a drive name. b) To give a device name. c) To give a filename extension.
2. Where is information stored?
a) In the programme. b) In the disk drive. c) In the memory.
3. What devices can serve as input?
a) A printer. b) A mouse. c) A screen.
7. Fill in the blanks:
volume label files device names spreadsheets and word processors
a directory uppercase or lowercase letters floppy disk drive
programmes and data a drive letter and a colon optional
1. MS-DOS also helps you to manage … .
2. … are other examples of programs.
3. … on your disks could also contain letters, memos, or data.
4. A filename can be from one to eight characters in length, and can be typed in … .
5. Extensions are … , but it's good idea to use them, since they are useful for describing the contents of a file to you and to MS-DOS.
6. … contains the names of your files, their sizes, and the dates they were last modified.
7. You can look at the … on a disk by displaying its directory.
8. To use the files or programs that are on a floppy disk, you must first insert the disk into a … .
9. A complete drive name consists of … .
10.… are special names given to each device that your computer "knows" about.
8. Translate into Russian:
1. The programmes in this operating system allow you communicate with your computer, your disk drives and your printer, letting you use these resources to your advantage.
2. MS-DOS also helps you to manage programs and data.
3. Filename extensions consist of a period followed by one, two, or three characters.
4. Floppy disk drives are commonly referred to as the A drive and the В drive.
5. If you or your computer makes a mistake when using a device or MS-DOS command, MS-DOS displays an appropriate error message.
9. Translate into English:
1. Примером может служить устройство под названием LPT1, которое расшифровывается как построчный принтер.
2. Некоторые программы и файлы используют больший объем памяти, в зависимости от их размера и сложности.
3. Когда вы печатаете команды MS-DOS, вы просите компьютер выполнить команды.
4. Использование расширений не является обязательным, но их рекомендуется применять для описания содержимого файла.
5. Жесткий диск, который установлен в вашем компьютере, обычно находится под литерой С.