Lecture 1
Importance of ecological knowledge
Connection of ecology to other disciplines.
Biology Chemistry Geography Geology | Mathematics Engineering Economics Physics | History Sociology Political sciences Ethics |
- To sort environmental information and focus on important issues.
- To understand how to minimize human impact on the natural environment.
- To know how the information can be used effectively to make a balanced decision in order to behave in a sustainable manner.
Key terms:
Ecology Environment Ecosystem Sustainable Development Species Population Community Biosphere | Anthropocentric Autecology Demecology Synecology Global ecology | Ernest Heckel - the term “Ecology” (1868) Alexander Tansley - the term “ecosystem” (1935) Paul Ehrlich -IPAT model (1970s) Barry Commoner: Principles of ecology (1972): ü Everything is connected to everything else ü Everything must go somewhere ü Nature knows better ü There is no such thing as a “free lunch” |
Questions for review:
1. What does ecology study?
2. Define ecological units refer to life levels organization.
3. Give classification of ecology refer to ecological objects.
4. Define the term “Sustainable development”. Why is it important to environment protection?
5. Name four Commoner’s principles of ecology. Give examples.
6. Present some philosophical and ethical world views on environment.
7. What is importance of knowledge ecology?
Home task: Make a synopsis: Daniel D. Chiras, “Environmental Science: Creating Sustainable Future”
1. List “Ten principles of sustainable development”,analyze them and briefly describe each one (p.15, table 1-1).
Critical Thinking (Writing an essay):
1. Ecology as separated science was formed in 1950s. Is it right to suggest that ecological knowledge were accumulated since ancient time? Prove it.
2. Ecology is the science of future. Is this assumption correct? Prove it.
3. Give some examples of connection Ecology to different natural and humanities sciences.
4. Discuss the origin, statements and bases of some environmental philosophies (listed above). Which is closest to your own views?
5. How are sustainable consumption and voluntary simplicity related?
Лекции по теоретической фонетике
Примерные вопросы для контроля знаний
1. Phonetics as a branch of linguistics. Phonetics and other disciplines. Applications of phonetics.
2. Branches of phonetics.
3. Aspects of the sound matter of language.
4. Components of the phonetic system of language.
5. National and regional pronunciation variants in English.
6. British and American pronunciation models.
7. Most distinctive features of BBC English and Network English.
8. The articulatory classification of English vowels.
9. The articulatory classification of English consonants.
10. Phoneme as many-sided dialectic unity of language. Types of allophones. Distinctive and irrelevant features of the phoneme.
11. Main phonological schools.
12. The system of vowel phonemes in English. Problem of diphthongs.
13. The system of consonant phonemes in English. Problem of affricates.
14. Modifications of English consonants and vowels in speech.
15. Alternations of speech sounds in English.
16. Theories on syllable division and formation.
17. The structure and functions of syllable in English.
18. Word stress in English.
19. Intonation and prosody: definition, functions, components, spheres of application.
20. The structure of English tone-group.
21. The phonological level of intonation.
22. Methods of phonetic analysis.
23. Phonostylistics. Types and styles of pronunciation in English.
24. Phonetics of the spoken discourse.