План дружественного письма.
Тема 7
Словообразование прилагательных.
Australian films
Australians make a lot of good films. And they export a lot of TV programmes, especially 'soap operas', to other English-speaking countries. But their film industry is not new. In fact, it is as old as Hollywood. The Story of the Kelly Gang, the true story of a famous criminal, came out in 1906. Today Australians are proud of their film industry, and the government gives money to the production companies.
The most famous Australian director is Peter Weir. He made Picnic at Hanging Rock about a group of schoolgirls who disappear after a picnic. The historical film Gallipoli, starring Mel Gibson, is anti-British; in the First World War, Australians die fighting for the British - the film asks why.
Two exceptional women directors make films in Australia. Gillian Armstrong's My Brilliant Career is a nostalgic story of poor farmers 100 years ago; the young daughter wants to escape and become a writer. Jane Campion is from New Zealand but sometimes works in Australia. Her most famous films are An Angel at my Table, Sweetie, and The Piano. (The Piano won the main prize at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993.)
Some Australian films look at the sad history of the Aborigines. The Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith (director Fred Schepisi) shows a young man, half Aborigine and half white, caught between the two societies.
There are some big international successes from Australia. You probably know the Mad Max films and the Crocodile Dundee films. You should also see Strictly Ballroom; it is a wonderful and very funny story about young dancers and their disagreement with the old-fashioned world of ballroom dancing.
-able, -ibleобразуют прилагательные от глаголов и выражают возможность подвергнуться действию, выраженному соответствующим глаголом:
to accept принимать- acceptable приемлемый
to attain достигать - attainable достижимый
to change изменять (-ся) -changeable изменчивый
Суффиксы -able, -ibleобразуют также прилагательные от существительных:
access доступ - accessible доступный
-alобразует прилагательные от существительных:
centre центр central центральный
culture – культура cultural культурный
-ant, -entобычно образуют прилагательные от глаголов (соответствующие существительные имеют суффиксы -апсе, -епсе):
ary, -oryобразуют прилагательные от различных частей речи:
element элемент elementary элементарный ffer различаться different различный
Корреспонденция: дружественное письмо
1. План дружественного письма.
2. Временная форма The Future Simple Tense.
3. Способы словообразования глаголов.