The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, appeared in the times of Mongol – Tatar yoke (1237-1480). The word tamga, in Tatar, meant a customs tax, the official who collected it, and the stamped seal or statement showing that it had been paid”. Each market had its tamozhnya and the right to collect duties could be purchased from the state. The right was often given to powerful merchants.
The Russian Customs Service, however, predates even the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Some three centuries before, in Kievan Rus, taxes were collected for the transportation of goods through the frontiers of the individual princedoms.
Thus, Russia has had a customs service in some form during the past 1000 years. Moreover, for almost all of that history, it has been much more than a force for keeping out contraband. In fact, it has been a powerful administrative body, serving mainly protectionist interests.
The first Russian customs statute (1667) was strict towards foreigners who were allowed to trade only in frontier towns on pain of confiscation. A special tsar’s certificate was required for trading further inside the country.
Such protectionism went on for most of the next 300 years. Every tsar, from Peter the Great to Nicolas II, approved laws limiting the import of foreign goods and defending Russian producers.
Customs business has always been considered important and prestigious.
A number of well-known people worked for the Customs and contributed to its development.
The well-known Russian poet G. Derzhavin in 1794-1803 combined his literary activities with his work as President of Commerce Board which was engaged in foreign tradeand customs business.
The Russian writer Radischev also worked for this Board and was later appointed Head of St. Petersburg Custom house.
It was the time when Russia changed its free trade policy into protectionist one.
D. Mendeleev (1834-1907) was a great Russian chemist, a talented scientist and a public figure. In 1891-1903 he was head of the Commission in charge of customs tariffs. He was sure that protectionist tariff would serve the development of the country as it not only regulated export and import but also stimulated industrial production. He was one of the first to discover the laws ruling customs business.
Working on the text
Part A
Ex.1. Read the text and answer the following questions:
1. When did the word tamozhnya appear?
2. What did the word tamga mean?
3. Who was given the right to collect duties?
4. How long has Russia had the customs service?
5. What were the functions of Russian Customs?
6. When was the first Russian customs statute handed down?
7. Where were foreigners allowed to trade according to the statute?
8. What was required for trading further inside the country?
Ex.2. Say whether the following statements are true or false. If they are false, give the correct statement.
1. The current Russian word for Customs, tamozhnya, appeared in the 17th century.
2. The word tamga meant a customs tax.
3. The Russian Customs Service predates the Mongol-Tatar yoke.
4. In Kievan Rus no taxes were collected at the frontier of princedoms.
5. Collecting duties was the only function of Russian Customs.
6. The first Russian customs statute was handed down in 1667.
7. The first Russian customs statute was loyal to foreigners.
Ex.3. Make the summary of the text.
Part B
Ex.4. Comprehension questions.
1. Where did Derzhavin work in 1794-1803?
2. What was Commerce Board engaged in?
3. How did the policy of Russia change at that time?
4. What was Dmitry Mendeleev?
5. Did he work for the Customs?
6. What made him think that protectionist tariff would serve the development of the country?
Ex.5. Say if it is true or false. Support your reply.
1. Radischev was appointed President of Commerce Board.
2. It was the time when Russia changed its protectionist policy into free trade one.
3. D. Mendeleev was head of the Commission in charge of foreign trade.
4. D. Mendeleev was one of the first to discover the laws ruling customs business.
Ex.6.Find the words or word combinations in the text which mean the following:
1. to choose for a post;
2. exports and imports;
3. to find out;
4. payment on exported or imported goods;
5. to encourage;
6. the laws governing customs business.
Ex.7. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Когда его назначили начальником таможни?
2. Эта комиссия занимается вопросами внешней торговли и таможенного дела.
3. Он много сделал для развития таможенного законодательства.
4. Протекционистский тариф стимулирует развитие промышленного производства.