Infrastructure and Sustainability
Governance and Accountability
Human Rights
Международные отношения и международные обязательства
Услуги для граждан
Защита прав
Управления государственными ресурсами
Отчетность бухгалтерский учет
Верховенство права
• законодательные документы
• протоколы судебных заседаний
• Полиция записей
• тюрьмы записей
• учет закупок
• налоговый учет
• таможенные документы
• списки избирателей
• файлы политики
• файлы случай
• Бюджет работ
• файлы политики
• бухгалтерский учет
• кадровый учет
• ведомости по заработной плате
• учет закупок
• основные средства регистры
• регистры собственности
• записи пенсионных
• социальном обеспечении записей
• регистрация земли записей
• рождения / смерти записей
• больничных записей
• Школа записей
• экологический мониторинг записей
• договоры
• соответствие с национальными и международными органами
• кредитных соглашений
Рисунок 5: Управление Цели и отчеты
The ability of government to protect the rights of its citizens and to improve citizen‑government interaction is a critical issue in an increasingly electronic environment. The rights and entitlements of citizens are based on records. The ability of a government to continue to respect these rights and entitlements is based on the quality of the policies, standards and practices employed for the care of those records.
Governments are being asked to be transparent, open and engaged with their citizens. And citizens are becoming more concerned about their roles in the governance of the country. They want to be able to trust in their government and they expect their government to function in a manner that engenders this sense of trust. Records and the evidence they contain are the instruments by which governments can promote a climate of trust and demonstrate an overall commitment to good government.
Similarly, accountability is critical to a responsible government. The foundation for accountability is based on records. When managed in a way that ensures their integrity and authenticity through time, records allow employees to account to their managers, permit managers to account to the heads of government institutions and help the heads to account to elected officials and others who represent the interests of society. Without records there can be no accountability framework, and without an accountability framework there can be no responsible government.
In an era of globalization, governments must position themselves to be competitive on the global marketplace even as they improve the delivery of their programmes and services to citizens. An infrastructure of polices, systems, standards and practices is required to meet the se goals, especially with the emergence of electronic commerce and electronic service delivery. Such an infrastructure will be without value, however, if it does not have the capacity to keep and maintain the authenticity of the records required to support the delivery of programmes and services and the transaction of government business, electronically or otherwise.