Essence of European integration

Theme 1. Sources of European integration. Bases and structure of the EU



Donetsk – 2011



International Economics Department


2. Устойчивость (жесткость) заработной платыпорождает «безработицу ожидания». Безработица ожиданиявозникает в результате превышения уровня реальной заработной платы над ее равновесным значением

Тенденция к увеличению естественного уровня безработицы в долгосрочном

периоде связана с:

1) увеличением доли молодежи в составе рабочей силы;

2) увеличением доли женщин в составе рабочей силы;

3) более частыми структурными сдвигами в экономике.

Закон Оукена Закон Оукенасвязывает колебания уровня безрабо-тицы с колебаниями ВВП:


(Y-Ŷ)/Ŷ= - β * (u- ŭ), где


Y – фактический объем производства (фактический ВВП)

Ŷ – потенциальный объем производства (потенциальный ВВП)

(Y-Ŷ)/Ŷ – относительное отклонение фактического ВВП от потенциального

β – чувствительность ВВП к динамике циклической безработицы

u – фактический уровень безработицы

ŭ – естественный уровень безработицы





for the students of daily form|form| of studies|teaching| direction of study 6.030503 the «International economy», an area|domain| of knowledge 0305 «Economy and enterprise»



Lecturer: Ivanenko Iryna






CONTENT MODULE I. BASIC FACTORS AND INSTITUTES OF THE EU. ESSENCE OF POLICIES OF THE EU Theme 1. Sources of European integration. Bases and structure of the EU Theme 2. Supranational system of the EU: structure and principles of functioning Theme 3. Essence of the EU common policies Theme 4. Horizontal policies of the EU Theme 5. Common policies of the EU in different sectors of economy    
CONTENT MODULE II. INDUSTRIAL AND AGRICULTURAL POLICY OF THE EU AS BASIC SECTORAL POLICIES Theme 6. Industrial policy of the EU Theme 7. Agricultural policy of the EU  
CONTENT MODULE III. EXTERNAL RELATIONS DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF THE EU Theme 8. Foreign policy of the EU Theme 9. The EU strategy of external relations development




1.1. Essence of European integration

1.2. Concept and maintenance of the EU

1.3. General structure of the EU

1.4. Aims, principles and powers of the EU

European integration is the process of political, legal, economic (and in some cases social and cultural) integration of states wholly or partially in Europe.

In wide understanding term «European integration» means a totality of international integration processes|Carbro| in Europe, including|switch| creation|making| of European Economic|economical| Community and afterwards the European Union on its basis|foundation||conjunction|, EFTA, CEFTA, |European economic|economical| space and etc.

In narrow|narrow-width| understanding the term is used for integration processes|Carbro|, which take place on the base of (but|yes| in some|certain| cases|accident| with participation) the EU. Term «European integration» had got a|receive| large|great| distribution, because the EU, that passed |reeve| the long history of forming, shows by itself most developed integration group in the world from the institutional and political points of view. European integration shows experience|tentative| of the EU countries on realization of scale integration project on creation|making| of transnational political and economic|economical| union|conjunction| within the framework of which|what| international cooperation went|proceeds| out on a new|firsttime| high-quality|quality| level|Y-level| and it is oriented|orientable| to formation of the unique|single| social and political|socio-political| system. In this connection|as a result| term «European integration» is often used for naming that way which|what| the countries of the EU chose and passed|reeve|. In relation to the third|third-| countries (countries-candidates) European integration means their aspiration to get|receive| competent membership in the EU and attached to|by| the unique|single| supranational economic|economical| and political system. Construction of the EU, as well as transnational integration is uncompleted yet, that is why|that is why| European integration is a way of construction of European space which will define the type of Europe in the future. Measuring of the future of Europe, which|what| takes into account previous|preliminary| historical experience|tentative| of transnational unity, predetermines interpretation of European integration as the so-called|so called| European integration strategy (strategy of European is integration), that as a plan (program) of future development of European intergovernmental organization|formation|, in particular|including| the EU.

European integration is examined|consider| on the basis of a set of theories and conceptions which|what| explain|unravele| its origin and development. Theoretical principles of European integration are closely related|ties| to its historical pre-conditions|pre-requisite|, by the circumstances of transformation and, mainly, from forming of international legal and organizational institutes|institution| which|what| became|become| basis|foundation| of the supranational system.

European integration can be examined|consider| in a few|a little| aspects:

1. In particular|including| it|her| is examined|consider| as a historical process|Carbro|, which has the pre-conditions|pre-requisite|, factors, stages and prospects of development.

2. Economic|economical|ally it|her| appears as a result of international Treaties (on free trade area, on common customs policy, introduction|introducting| of the unique|single| currency, but|yes| other), forming of the special organizations which|what| provide|secure| economic|economical| processes|Carbro| in the scales of the group. Economic|economical| integration in the EU includes creation|making| of customs union, common internal|inlying| market, currency-economic|economical| union|conjunction| and holding common economic|economical| policy|politics|. On this basis|foundation| the common economical complex is formed|pilchard| in the EU.

3. Politically European integration is examined|consider| as a process|Carbro| of socialization of sovereignties of countries-members|limb| (transmissions of part|portion| of national sovereignty to the supranational structures) and organization of political collaboration which resulted in|to| transformation|conversion| of the EU on the integral|whole| political system and entire political centre|heartland| on a world arena. Existence of the EU as the unique|single| political organism provides|secure| the formed|pilchard| system of legislation, including legal frameworks|foundation| of collaboration, in different|diverse| areas|domain|, and also created political organs|viscus| and structures which|what| are provided|presents| with plenary powers, have own political will and interests of the EU present|represent|, above all things, providing|secure| a general|common| political process|Carbro| and co-operate between countries-members|limb|.

4. In legal aspect European integration is a process|Carbro| of harmonization of the Europe countries of legislation, implementation international Treaties norms|standard| into national legal systems and creation|making| of the regional and international legislative system. So, within the limits of the EU the legal system is created, which|what| takes advantage above|over| the national legal systems of countries-members|limb| and is based on the system of international Treaties|contract|. The system of right which provides|secure| European integration is related|ties| to its certain|definite| principles (subsidarity|; proportionality; solidarity; validity; loyalty; sovereignty and so on).

European integration develops in home policy and foreign policy context.

According to the home policy point of view European integration is associated with strengthening and deepening|vallecula| of supranationality at the level of the EU, strengthening|boostering| of its structure and expansion|amplification| of the European legislation action sphere|act|.

According to the foreign policy point of view European integration is not a simple process. From one side, European integration is as part|portion| of general|common| process|Carbro| of modern world globalization, from other side|de autre part| – it means strengthening of local regionalism in Europe, consolidations of countries of region for solving common problems and defence|protection| of interests of Europe on a world arena.

On the different|diverse| historical stages European integration developed parallell with the different|diverse| forms|form| of international cooperation between the countries-members|limb| of the EU, out of|outside| scopes|frame| of supernationality and by|by means of| the differentiated («flexible») participating of separate countries-members|limb| in integration projects within the framework of the EU.