VI. Святой Маркуль и паломничество в Корбени

V. Целительные кольца

Сочинения, посвященные английскому обряду

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Farquhar H. Royal Charities // The Britich Numismatic Journal. 1916. T. XII. P. 39 – 135; 1917. Т. XIII. P. 95 – 163; 1918. Т. XIV. Р. 89 – 120; 1919. Т. XV. Р. 141 – 184.

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Garrison F. H. A Relic of the King's Evil in the Surgeon General's Library (Washington D. С.) // Proceedings of the Royal Society f Medecine. 1914. T. VII. Section of the History of Medecine. P. 227 – 234[750].

Green E. On the Cure by Touch, with Notes on some Cases in Somerset // Proceedings of the Bath Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club. 1883. T. V. № 2. P. 79 – 98.

Hussey L. E. On the cure of scrofulous diseases attributed to the royal touch // The Archaelogical Journal. 1853. T. X. P. 187 – 211; cf.: Ibid. P. 337.

Lathbury T. A history of the convocation of the Church of England. 2е ed. London, 1853. P. 428 – 439.

Lecky W. E. H. History of England in the Eighteenth Century. London, 1892. Т. I. P. 84 – 90.

Nicholls C. On the obsolete custom of touching for the King's Evil// The Home Counties Magazine. 1912. Т. XIV. P. 112 – 122.

Pettigrew Т. J. On superstitions connected with the history and practice of medicine and surgery. London, 1844. P. 117 – 154.

The royal cure for the King's Evil // British Medical Journal. 1899. Т. II. P. 1182 – 1184; ср.: Ibid. P. 1234.

Simpson S. W. On the forms of prayer recited «at the healing» or touching for the King's Evil // The Journal of the British Archaelogical Association. 1871. P. 282 – 307.

Stephens A. J. The book of common prayer with notes legal and historical (Ecclesiastical history Society). In-40. London, 1850. Т. II. P.990 – 1005.

Crawfurd R. The blessing of cramp-rings. A chapter in the history of the treatment of epilepsy // Studies in the history and method of science, edited by Charles Singer. Oxford, 1917. Т. I. P. 165 – 187.

Kunz G. F. Rings for the finger, from the earliest known times t the present. Philadelphie; London, 1917. P. 336 ff.

Hermentrude. Cramp-rings // Notes and Queries. 5 [751] series. 1878. Т. IX.P.514.

Jones W. Finger-ring lore. 2е ed. London, 1890. P. 522 – 526 (почти дословное повторение статьи Уотертона, указанной ниже).

Stevenson J. On cramp-rings // The Gentleman's Magazine. 1834. Т. I. P. 48 – 50; повторено в: The Gentleman's Magazine Library. Ed. G.-L. Gomme <t. III). Popular Superstitions. London, 1884. P.39 – 42.

Thompson C. J. S. Royal cramp and other medycinable rings. Plaquette, petit in-4°. London, 1921 (10 p.).

Waterton E. On a remarkable incident in the life of St Edward the Confessor, with Notices of Royal Cramp-Rings // The Archaelogical Journal. 1864. Т. XXI. P. 103 – 113.

Baedorf В. Untersuschungen liber Heiligenleben der westlichen Normandie. Bonn, 1913. S. 24 – 42.

Barthelemy Ed. de. Notice historique sur Ie prieure Saint-Marcoul de Corbeny // Soc. academique des sciences, arts... de Saint-Quentin. Troisieme serie. 1874 – 1875. Т. XIII. P. 198 – 299.

Benoit M. A. Un diplome de Pierre Beschebien, eveque de Chartres: les reliques de Saint-Marcoul // Proces-verbaux, Soc. archeolog. Eure-et-Loir. 1876. Т. V. P. 44 – 55.

Blat. Histoire du pelerinage de Saint-Marcoul a Corbeny. 2е ed. In-12. Corbeny, 1853.

Bourgeois 0. Apologie pour Ie pelerinage de nos roys a Corbeny au tombeau de S. Marcoul, abbe de Nanteuil, centre la nouvelle pinion de Monsieur Faroul, licencie aux droits, doyen et official de Mantes. Petit in-4°, Reims, 1638[752].

Duplus H. M. Histoire et pelerinage de Saint Marcoul. In-18. Dijon, 1856.

Faroul S. De la dignite des roys de France et du privilege que Dieu leur a donne de guarir les escrouelles: ensemble la vie de saint Marcoul abbe de Nanteuil. 1633.

Gautier Ch. Saint Marcoul ou Marculphe abbe de Nanteuil, sa vie, ses reliques, son culte... In-16. Angers, 1899.

Heurck E. M. van. Les drapelets de pelerinage en Belgique et dans les pays voisins. Contribution a 1'iconographie et a 1'histoire des pelerinages. In-4°. Anvers, 1922.

Ledouble, abbe. Notice sur Corbeny, son prieure et Ie pelerinage a Saint Marcoul. Soissons, 1883.

Le Poulle. Notice sur Corbeny, son prieure et Ie pelerinage a Saint Marcoul. Soissons, 1883.

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Texier L. Extraict et abrege de la vie de S. Marcoul Abbe. Plaquette. Saumur, 1648. 8 p. (приложено к: Discours touchant la fbndation de la chapelle Nostre Dame de Guarison a Russe).

VII. «Королевский знак» [753]

Geissler O. Religion und Aberglauube in den mittelenglischen Versromanzen. Halle, 1908. S. 73 – 74.

Grauert H. Zur deutschen Kaisersage // Histor. Jahrbuch. 1892. В. XIII. S. 122,135 – 136.

Lot F. La croix des royaux de France // Romania. 1891. Т. XX. P. 278 – 281 (avec une note de Gaston Paris).

Rajna P. Le origini dell'epopea francese. Florence, 1884. Cap. XII. P.294 – 299.

Thomas A. Le «signe royal» et le secret de Jeanne d'Arc // Revue historique. 1910. Т. CIII. P. 278 – 282.