Автопортрет 1966 Энди Уорхол
Edit]In the fine arts
· For Greek art of the 5th century B.C.E., see Classical art in ancient Greece and the Severe style
Italian Renaissance painting and sculpture are marked by their renewal of classical forms, motifs and subjects. In the 15th century Leon Battista Alberti was important in theorizing many of the ideas for painting that came to a fully realised product with Raphael's School of Athens during the High Renaissance. The themes continued largely unbroken into the 17th century, when artists such as Nicolas Poussin and Charles Le Brun represented of the more rigid classicism. Like Italian classicizing ideas in the 15th and 16th centuries, it spread through Europe in the mid to late 17th century.
Later classicism in painting and sculpture from the mid-18th and 19th centuries is generally referred to as Neoclassicism.
Оп-арт (от англ. ор art, сокращение от optical art - оптическое искусство) - неоавангардистское течение в изобразительном искусстве, одна из поздних модификаций абстрактного искусства. В оп-арте эффекты пространственного перемещения, слияния и "парения" форм достигались введением резких цветовых и тональных контрастов, ритмических повторов, пересечения спиралевидных и решетчатых конфигураций, извивающихся линий.