Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 7. Prove the idea that this production line is up-to-date, profitable, safe and convenient in use.
Exercise 6. Make the scheme of this production line.
Exercise 5. Write down the advantages of this can production line.
Exercise 1. a) Read and translate international words without a dictionary:
a marinade, to marinade, a group, to group, a microorganism, bacterium, bacteria, medium, a medium, to react, reaction, synthetic, synthetically, distillation, acetylene, essence, mineral, salt, alcohol, wine, proportion, metal, a ferment, to ferment, to fix, mixture.
b) Check if you remember the meaning of these words:
pre-fried, pre-cooked, pre-smoked, per cent, acid, to develop, gradually, herring, whitefish, sardine, concentration, to spread.
c) Read and translate the following word combinations:
a vinegar and salt solution, warm marinades, cold marinades, basic requirements, made-up cooked dishes, favourable conditions, an acid medium, a higher proportion, to be frequently affected.
d) Give all the possible synonyms to the following words:
to decompose, extensively, a method, a proportion, to cure, on the spot, a barrel, basic.
Exercise 2. Read and memorize the words from the text below:
yeast, n | дрожжи, закваска |
mould, n | плесень; плесенный грибок |
extensively, adv | в значительной степени, сильно |
made-up, adj | законченный, завершённый, готовый |
thrive, v | процветать |
decompose, v | разлагать на составные части |
acetic, adj | уксусный |
putrefactive, adj | гнилостный |
vinegar, n | уксус |
transparent, adj | прозрачный |
miscible, adj | образующий однородную смесь |
resinous, adj | смолистый |
dilute, v | разбавлять |
obtain, v | получать; добывать; приобретать |
eliminate, v | устранять, исключать |
mature, v | созреть |
dress, v | разделывать |
vat, n | бак, цистерна, чан |
gib, v | зябрить |
acquire, v | приобретать |
perishable, adj | скоропортящийся |
condiment, n | приправа, специи |
cask, n | бочка, бочонок |
keg, n | бочонок (емкостью до 10 галлонов) (мера жидких и сыпучих тел, английский галлон = 4,54 л, американский галлон = 3,78 л) |
All marinades may be divided into two groups: (a) cold or salt, and (b) warm marinades prepared from pre-fried, pre-cooked, or pre-smoked fish. Cold marinades are extensively used, because they keep well and are easier to prepare. Warm marinades are in fact made-up cooked dishes, and they will not be discussed here.
The preservative action of vinegar and vinegar-salt solution. The development of putrefactive micro-organisms is greatly delayed in an acid medium with a vinegar concentration of 1 to 2 per cent. With a higher proportion of acid, a number of bacteria die. The various micro-organisms react differently to being kept in an acid medium; some, like yeasts andmould, for example, will eventhrive. Mould develops readily in an acid medium, and we know from experience that marinades are frequently affected by them. Moulds gradually decompose the acetic acid and therebycreatefavourable conditions for development of putrefactive bacteria.
Marinades are prepared from edible acetic acid (essenceor vinegar) at strength of 80 per cent. The acid is obtained either by dry distillation of wood or synthetically from acetylene. Its basic requirements are that it must be colourless and transparent, with no resinous odour, and contain no mineral acids or salts of heavy metals. Acetic acid is completely miscible with water.
Sometimes wine vinegar obtained by fermenting wine or dilutedalcohol is used for marinades. Wine vinegar has a better taste and flavour, but as it contains only 3 to 5 per cent of acetic acid, it cannot be used unless it is produced on spot.
Marinading technique. Cold marinades may be prepared from both fresh and salted fish. It is usually considered that fresh fish gives a pleasanter taste, but the better opportunities offered today for processing light salted intermediate products have led to the bulk of marinades being prepared from lightly cured fish.
Fish used for marinading include herrings, whitefish, and sardines, i. e. mainly those types that mature through salting. Marinades may be prepared from whole fish or from dressed ones. The dressing of the fish gives a good quality product and is also economically profitable.Gutted fish keep better, and some methods of dressing give the fish an attractive appearance. Defects due to mechanical damage are eliminated through dressing. Fish for marinading are gutted,gibbed, or cut up intotrunks, pieces, or fillets.
Processing fresh fish. If fish are marinaded fresh, they are dressed and washed, and then placed in a vat with a vinegar and salt solution. As a result, they are preserved and acquire a salty-sour taste. The salt and acid are chosen according to the season and to the type of flavour required. The marinades preferred in Russia are more salty than sour; the salt concentration in the vat therefore varies from 12 per cent to 18 per cent. In Western Europe, on the other hand, solutions contain 6 per cent to 12 per cent salt and up to 6 per cent vinegar.
Packing fish in containers. The usual container for cold marinading fish is a woodencask or akeg. Since marinades are fairly perishable, casks should bescrupulously clean. Wooden barrels can be a source of mould infection for fish, so they must be made of good quality wood and be thoroughly washed before use. The best method oftreating them is with live steam.
Small-sized fish, or fish cut up into small pieces, are poured into the barrel and merely spread out in it. The fish may be fixed withcondiments either on tables or during filling of the barrel. Large-sized fish (herrings) are packed in rows, and each rowsprinkled with the condiment mixture.
Exercise 4. Find the Russian equivalents for the following:
completely miscible with water, packed in rows, sprinkled with the condiment mixture, the development of putrefactive microorganisms, by dry distillation of wood, a source of mould infection, must be thoroughly washed, a salty-sour taste, an attractive appearance, the salt concentration, according to the season, a woodencask, a good quality product, lightly cured fish, the better opportunities.
Exercise 5. Find the English equivalents for the following:
обычная емкость, концентрация соли, желаемый вкус, приобретать солено-кислый вкус, метод обработки, быть скоропортящимся продуктом, тщательно вымыты, крупная рыба, неразделанная рыба, разделанная рыба, слегка соленый, тяжелые металлы, кислая среда, продукт хорошего качества, эффективно использоваться, готовый продукт, уксусная кислота, основные требования.
Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using information from the text:
1. With a higher proportion of acid…
2. The fish may be fixed with…
3. The best method oftreating…
4. The dressing of the fish gives…
5. Wooden barrels can be a source of…
6. If fish are marinaded fresh, they are…
7. The salt concentration in the vat therefore varies…
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from, out, of, with, into, in, for:
1. Small-sized fish are poured … the barrel and merely spread … … it.
2. The usual container … cold marinading fish is a woodencask or akeg.
3. Marinades may be prepared … whole fish or … dressed ones.
4. All marinades may be divided … two groups.
5. Acetic acid is completely miscible … water.
Exercise 8. Say if the sentences are true or false using the information from the text:
1. The dressing of the fish isn't economically profitable.
2. Small-sized fish (herrings) are packed in rows.
3. Fish for marinading are gutted,gibbed, or cut up into pieces or fillets.
4. Wooden barrels are usually made of cheap and waste wood.
5. Gutted fish keep better than whole fish.
6. Acetic acid is hardly miscible with water.
7. The marinades preferred in our country are less salty than sour.
Exercise 9. Change the following sentences into the Passive Voice:
1. The producers mix the fish withcondiments some time ago.
2. They should clean the casks scrupulously.
3. In future with the help of this treatment we will wholly eliminate the mechanical damage of fish.
4. The company has obtained the product of the desired quality recently.
5. The manufacturers usually choose the salt and acid according to the season and to the type of flavour required.
Exercise 10. Choose the correct form of the Participle:
1. Sometimes wine vinegar obtaining/obtained by fermenting wine or dilutedalcohol is used for marinades.
2. Large-sized fish packed/having packed in rows, are sprinkled with the condiment mixture.
3. The best method oftreating being used/used bythem is with live steam.
4. The marinades having been preferred/preferred in our country are more salty than sour.
5. Being/having been perishable marinades and fish should bekept in scrupulously clean casks.
Exercise 11. Answer the following questions:
1. What groups are marinades usually divided into?
2. What is the preservative action of vinegar?
3. In what conditions does mould develop readily?
4. What are marinades prepared from?
5. Why is the dressing of the fish necessary before marinading?
6. What marinades are preferred in our country and in Europe?
7. What is the sequence of operations in cold marinading?
8. What should be considered packing fish in containers?
9. What is the best method oftreating them?
10. What marinaded fish products are produced at the local fish processing enterprises?
11. Which of them are the most popular with the customers and why?
Exercise 12. Supply the omitted questions and answers into the following dialogue:
A.: ...
B.:Marinades are prepared from edible acetic acid at a strengthof 80 per cent.
A.: ...
B.:I think that the development of putrefactive microorganisms is greatly delayed in an acid medium.
A.: ...
B.: Fish used for marinading include herring, white fish and sardines.
A.: ...
B.: As far as I know, marinades may be prepared from whole fish or from dressed ones.
A.: The dressing of fish is economically profitable, isn't it?
B.: …
A.: ...
B.: Because gutted fish keep better.
A.: ...
B.: It seems to me that cold marinades are more extensively used; they keep well and are easier to prepare.
Exercise 13. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:
1. В последнее время делаются попытки улучшить вкус маринадов путем замены уксусной кислоты молочной или лимонной кислотой.
2. Чем больше добавляется кислоты к маринаду, тем белее и плотнее становится мясо рыбы.
3. При повышенном соотношении уксусной кислоты в маринаде много микроорганизмов погибает.
4. Маринады считаются малостойким продуктом, который нужно хранить при температуре, близкой к 0 °С.
5. Маринад варится из натуральных высококачественных пряностей с добавлением натуральных овощей: моркови, лимона, лука и паприки.
6. Все входящее сырье подвергается тщательному контролю.