Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.


Exercise 6. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using necessary Grammar structures.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions to the text.

1. What does the fishing industry complex of the Murmansk region include?

2. How many fish processing enterprises are there in our region?

3. What leading fish processing enterprises of the region do you know?

4. What is the industrial potential of these enterprises?

5. What does the industrial complex of the "Nord-West F.K." company include?

6. What is the range of products at this enterprise and the quality of the products?

7. What products are manufactured by the companies "Arctic-Salmon" and "Med-Cap"?

8. What do you know about fish farming in our region?

9. What other fish processing companies working in our region do you know?

Exercise 4. Say if the sentences are true or false using the information from the text:

1. The industrial company "Protein" specializes in the production of meat products.

2. One of the largest enterprises of fish processing in the Murmansk region the industrial company "Nord-West F.K." was founded in 2005.

3. Annually the Murmansk Trawler Fleet catches approximately 237,000 ton of fish.

4. Fish growing plant "Arctic-Salmon" is a small out-of-date factory.

5. The company "Med-Cap" produces only the traditional products.

Exercise 5. Open the brackets using Passive forms of the verb:

1. The first stage of international project on artificial trade growing of Atlantic salmon (to complete) successfully recently.

2. It (to award) with the special medal for the quality of its production.

3. It (to base) on the work of the system of cooling of generators.

4. All the products worked out with modern equipment and leading technologies (to demand) already in different countries.

5. Plant (to automate) completely, the technology of growing of 1 million young fish per year (to use) there.

1. Морские водоросли, растущие в верхних слоях морской воды, поглощают из нее большое количество нитратов и фосфатов.

2. Панцири и кости морских животных широко используются в сельском хозяйстве.

3. Из печени пикши добывают первоклассный рыбий жир.

4. Поднимаясь вверх по реке, атлантический лосось остается в пресной воде от 3 до 5 лет.

5. Важно знать погодные условия в районе лова.

Exercise 7. Speak about:

a) fish processing enterprises of the Murmansk region;

b) the perspectives of widening their assortment's.

Exercise 1. Read and memorize the words:

concern, v касаться чего-л.
breeding, n разведение, выращивание
promotion, n продвижение, повышение
vessel, n транспортное средство, судно
renovation, n восстановление, реконструкция
employ, v нанимать, держать на работе
coast, n морское побережье, берег
deliver, v доставлять
pelagic, adj пелагический, морской, океанический
participate, v участвовать, принимать участие

Northern Fish-Producers Union (NFPU)

The Northern Fish-Producers Union was established in December 1992. For the period of its existence the Union became one of the leading fishing associations in Northern basin and the largest union of small and medium enterprises of fishing branch in Russia.

Nowadays the Northern Fish-Producers Union includes 70 enterprises. 50 companies are involved in catching and transportation of fish, 4 companies deal with fish processing. Business of other companies concerns with fish breeding and promotion of fish products.

The companies own 97 fishing vessels and 12 transport vessels. Work on modernization and renovation of the fleet is constantly conducted by the Union. The total amount of workers employed at the enterprises of the Northern Fish-Producers is about 6000. The main areas of fishery include Russian economic zone as well as 200 miles zone of foreign states laying along the coastal line of the North-East and North-West Atlantic. From 1993 till 2009 the amount of catch increased in 5 times, and the amount of caught fish reached 179 thousand tons that made up 31 % of the total fishery production among the enterprises in the Murmansk region.

The main part of the fishing vessels is re-equipped, has sanitary certificates and delivers the products to the various European countries. About 80,000 tons of fish (mainly pelagic species) are delivered on home market.

The Northern Fish-Producers Union participates in improving branch management structure, in carrying out social and other programmes of the region, supports scientific research and work of the branch and Institutes such as PINRO, Sev-PINRO, MMBI, etc. The unique scientific-educational and cultural complex "Murmansky Oceanarium" was built with the help and financial support of the NFPU.