Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 8. Translate into English.
Notes onthe text
1. range of operation – район лова;
2. prospecting – перспективная разведка;
3. life boat – спасательное судно;
4. auxiliaries – вспомогательные суда;
5. to keep strictly to the desired course – придерживаться строго намеченного курса;
6. ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore contacts – связь судна с судном и связь судна с берегом;
7. varied depth target trawling – разноглубинное траление;
8. ocean-faring fishing fleet – океанский рыболовный флот.
Exercise 4. Read and translate the following words:
power – powerful; duty – dutiful; master – masterful; use – useful; doubt – doubtful.
Exercise 5. Answer the following questions:
1. How many species of fish inhabit our inland waters and the seas washing the shores of our country?
2. Was the fishing industry of the tzarist Russia advanced among that of other countries?
3. When did the fishing industry of our country get its rapid development?
4. What special ships is the fishing industry equipped with?
5. In what way did the floating factories increase the profitability of the fishing operations?
6. What instruments are modern fishing ships supplied with?
7. Why does our country cooperate with other countries catching fish and other marine animals?
8. Do we catch fish and other sea animals only in our inshore waters?
Exercise 6. Give synonyms to the following words:
marine, enormous, stock, aquatic, various, ship, factory, detect, forecast, cooperate, vast, powerful, predatory, operation.
Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from, of, to, in, on:
1. The processing ... marine products was not mechanized ... tzarist Russia.
2. Fishing industry is one ... the main branches ... national economy.
3. Instead ... primitive small fisheries mighty fishing industry arose.
4. The trawler has come ... Arkhangelsk.
5. ... 2009 the trawling fleet ... Murmansk broke world records ... fishing.
6. ... the tenth ... August the crab factory ship Mir will sail ... Petropavlovsk ... Nakhodka.
1. Ракообразные и моллюски стали объектом морского промысла в нашей стране.
2. В последнее время большое внимание уделяется прудовому и озерному рыболовству.
3. Большинство рыболовных судов оснащено радиоэлектронным оборудованием.
4. Работу траловых сетей контролируют эхолотом и другими электронными приборами.
5. Сотрудничество наших специалистов рыбной промышленности со специалистами рыбной промышленности других стран весьма плодотворно.
Exercise 1. a) Read and translate international words without a dictionary:
antipode, mobile, a figure, illustrate, million, expedition, institute, oceanology, metre, relief, monotonous, phenomenon, transportation, organism, decade, to double, globe.
b) Read the geographical names and check if you remember the translation of them:
the Earth, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Bering Sea, the Okhotsk Sea, the Sea of Japan, the Black Sea, the Filippine Abyss, the Kuril-KamchatkaAbyss, the Caribbean Sea.
c) Read and translate the following word combinations:
theaverage depth, to be divided into four parts, the absence ofdestruction, the total stock of fish in the ocean, may be doubled.
Exercise 2. Read and memorize the words from the text below: