Ordinary want ad
1. Кредісов А.І., Панченко Є.Г., Кредісов В.А. Менеджмент для керівників. – К.: Т-во “Знання”, КОО, 1999.
2. Щур Д.Л., Труханович Л.В. Кадры предприятия. 60 образцов положений об отделах и службах: Практическое пособие. – М.: "Дело и Сервис", 2000.
3. Довідник кваліфікаційних характеристик професій працівників. Випуск 1. Розділ 1. Краматорськ, 1998.
4. Про упорядкування структури апарату центральних органів виконавчої влади та його структурних підрозділів. Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 15 жовтня 2002 р. №1550. Урядовий кур’єр, № 196, 23 жовтня 2002 р.
5. Посадові інструкції (професіонали). З можливістю копіювання. – К.: С.В.Д. ТРЕЙДІНГ, 2001.
6. Павленко Н. Организация труда и заработная плата (практическое пособие).- Харьков: “ФАКТОР”, 2002.
7. Мэйтланд Я. Руководство по управлению персоналом в малом бизнесе: Пер. с англ. / Под ред. И.И. Елисеевой. – М.: Аудит, ЮНИТИ, 1996.
Work experience required | 2 Years Experience |
Education required | High School Graduate |
Working hours | 5days,Mon.-Fri. |
Pay | $9.00 hour |
How to app | Apply in person, before 10:00 a.m. CARSONS SUPPLY 4396 Melrose Ave. |
2. A Resume is a summary of your qualifications (personal, educational, and experience). An effective resume creates a favorable impression of you.
The basic requirements for a good resume are:
• brevity: оnе page is preferable, but not more than two pages;
• top quality paper;
• perfect spelling and grammar;
• no typographical errors;
• attractive layout.
There are some types of resumes:
• Chronological resume presents your personal information in a chronological order.
• Functional resume – gives information about your functional skills and experience separately from employment history.
• Combination (functional/chronological) combines the best features of the chronological and functional resumes (personal information+ employment history).
• Targeted resume deals with capabilities and accomplishments relating to the specific job applied for.
It is rather hard to write a resume, very few people have good ones. However, there are special suggestions will help you write a perfect resume:
1. Adapt your resume to the information you have gathered about the employer and the job you want.
2. Use action verbs, they will bring your resume to life.
3. Avoid the pronoun “I”. Describe your skills and capabilities by using as many specific words as possible.
4. Highlight your accomplishments and achievements.
5. Keep it simple and clear: two pages at most.
6. Be truthful, don't exaggerate or misrepresent yourself. Remember that employers check the information.
7. Don't mention salary.
8. Avoid long sentences. Use the minimum number of words and phrases but avoid abbreviations.
9. Looks are important. The resume should be typed with plenty of white space and wide margins. Place headings at the left side of the page, and the details relating to them on the right side.
10. Make sure there are no errors in spelling, punctuation, or typing.
11. Don't sign or date the resume.
12. Always send an original of your resume. Don't send a photocopy.
13. Keep copies of resumes on file for future reference. Once you have a job, update your resume on a regular basis.
Ivan I. Ivanov
Dmitrov Street 13, Kiev, Ukraine
Phone (044) 333-33-33
e-mail petro20@ukr.net
Date of birth: 6, February, 1989
Place of birth: Ukraine, Kiev
Marital status: married (single)
Getting the sales manager position, to improve the professional skills and to have an opportunity for growth
Kherson State University
- Physics, Mathematics and Information Technologies Department
(The Institute of Foreign Philology
The Institute of Psychology, history and sociology
The Institute of Philology and Journalism
The Institute of Natural Science
Economics and Law Department
Physical Training and Sports Department
Preschool and Primary education Department
Culture and Arts Department
Engineering and Technology department)
- Summer camp “Artek”
- 2005-2006 Courier
- Receiving the documents to the clients
2007-2008 The assistant of the sales manager “Oscar”
- Communication with clients by phone
- Working with documents
PC: Professional user. Windows, MS Office. Foreign languages: English – free speaking, German – beginning. Driver license.
Interests: Computers, football, reading.
Activities: Member of student committee (deputy of group captain, tutor’s deputy)
3. A job interview is your opportunity to present your talents to a prospective employer. During the interview, the employer judges your qualifications, appearance, and general fitness for the job. Equally important, the interview gives you a chance to evaluate the job, the employer, and the company. The interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests and whether the employer is the kind you want to work for.
To present your qualifications most advantageously, you have to prepare for the interview: you should know how to act to make the interview an opportunity to "sell" your skills.
Careers officer speaking:
What makes a good interview? First, good preparation before the interview. Three simple guidelines will help you. Guideline number one is – find out as much as possible about the company where you are going for an interview. For example, you can get a lot of useful information from the company's brochures, annual reports, and catalogues. Two, find out if the interview is with one person or with a group of people, and what their jobs are. It's very useful to know something about the interviewers before you meet them. And three, make a checklist of the questions you want to ask at the interview. Remember an interview is two-way process. The company finds out as much as possible about you, and you find as much as possible about the company.
So, that's what you need to do before the interview.
Now the interview itself. There, are seven more guidelines to re member here.
Guideline number four: dress smartly. A suit or something formal is best. Five, arrive in good time. Arriving late for the interview is the worst thing you can do. Rule number six: create a good first impression. First impressions are very important Start the interview with a smile, a firm handshake, and a friendly manner. Guideline number seven: try to stay positive and relaxed during the interview. I know that's difficult. As a rule, people don't feel relaxed, but your body language gives the interviewer a lot of information about you. You want that information to be positive. Number eight: don't give only 'Yes' or "No" answers. Talk freely about yourself, give reasons for your opinions, and explain why you're interested in the job. Nine: ask questions. Remember the checklist of questions you prepared before the interview. Show you're interested! Finally, guideline number ten: learn from the interview. Analyze your performance afterwards and think how you can improve the next time!