Replacive morphemes (субституционные).
Additive morphemes (аддитивные)
Supra-segmental morphemes (супрасегментные).
Segmental morphemes (сегментные)
Covert morphemes (скрытые)
Overt morphemes (открытые)
Bound morphemes (связанные морфемы)
Free morphemes (свободные морфемы)
Bound morphemes cannot form words by themselves, they are identified only as component segmental parts of words. Free morphemes can build up words by themselves.
the root hand is a free morpheme
the suffix -ful is a bound morpheme.
There are very few productive bound morphemes in the morphological system of English. Most of them are homonymous:
1) the morpheme -(e)s [-z, -s, -iz]: the plural of nouns, the possessive case of nouns, the third person singular present of verbs;
2) the morpheme -(e)d [-d, -t, -id]: the past and past participle of verbs;
3) the morpheme -ing: the gerund and present participle;
4) the the morphemes -er, -est: the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.
The auxiliary word-morphemes do, be, have, will, shall, would, should, adverbial elements more, most, the infinitive particle to, articles can be called ‘semi-bound’ (полусвязанные) morphemes, since, being used as separate elements of speech strings, they form categorial unities with their notional stem-words.
II) according to formal presentation (формальная представленность)
Overt morphemes are explicit not zeroed morphemes building up words. Covert morphemes are implicit morphemes, i.d. a morpheme having no explicit representation in the actual expression (a contrastive absence of morpheme expressing a certain function). The notion of covert morpheme coincides with the notion of zero morpheme.
dogs – two morphemes, both overt: one lexical (root) and one grammatical expressing the plural.
dog – two morphemes, the overt root and the covert grammatical suffix of the singular.
III) according to segmental relation (сегментное отношение)
Supra-segmental morphemes are intonation contours, accents, pauses.
These elements of language form the secondary line of speech (вторичная звуковая линия языка), accompanying its primary phonemic line. These units are functionally connected not with morphemes, but with larger elements of language: words, word-groups, sentences, supra-sentential constructions.
IV) according to grammatical alternation (грамматическое чередование)
Additive morphemes are outer grammatical suffixes, since, as a rule, they are opposed to the absence of morphemes in grammatical alternation.
The root phonemes of grammatical interchange are considered as replacive morphemes, since they replace one another in the paradigmatic forms.
dr-i-ve — dr-o-ve — dr-i-ven;
m-a-n — m-e-n; etc.
This type of grammatical means can be understood as a kind of partial suppletivity (частичный супплетивизм).
V) according to linear characteristic (линейная характеристика)