Computer architecture
Data, information and knowledge
The basic concepts used in economic science are data, information and knowledge. These concepts are often used interchangeably, but between these concepts are fundamental differences.
The term data means a fact, and the information means explanation, description, in other words, information or a message.
Data - a collection of facts recorded on certain data carriers in a form suitable for permanent storage, transmission and processing. For data to become information, it must be interpreted and take on a meaning.
Information - this is the result of transformation and data analysis. The difference between the information from the data is that data - information is fixed on the events and phenomena that are stored on specific media, and the information comes from data in solving specific problems.
This is the main difference between the information from the data. For example, the database stores various data, and for a certain query a database management system provides the required information.
There are other definitions of information, such as information - is data about objects and phenomena of the environment, their parameters, properties and the states, which reduce the existing uncertainty degree about them, the knowledge incompleteness.
Knowledge - is fixed and tested by practice processed information that was used, and can be reused to make decisions.
Knowledge – it is s kind of information that is stored in the knowledge base and display knowledge of a specialist in a particular subject area. Knowledge - it is intellectual capital.
Formal knowledge can be in the form of documents (standards, norms) governing the decision-making or textbooks, manuals with descriptions the problem solutions. Informal knowledge - a knowledge and expertise in a particular subject area.
Depending on the scope, information may be different: the scientific, technical, management, economy, etc. For the business informatics interest in economic information.
The PC is a fascinating subject, and I want to take you on an illustrated, guided tour of its workings. But first I will tell you a bit about the background and history of computers. I will also have to introduce certain terms and expressions, since computer science is a subject with its own terminology. Then I will start to go through the actual PC architecture!
HISTORY LINE… to first computers
4000-1200 BC (Before Christ) - Clay Tablets for trade records (inhabitants of Sumer) (Глиняные таблички)
2400 BC – Abakus (counting frame - счеты) (used in Babylon, later in Arab world, Europe, China and Japan)
1570-80 - Logarithm Bones (John Napier, Scotland)
1643 - Adder (+,-), main contribution: ratchet drive for carry transfers (Blaise Pascal, France)
1671 - Calculator - created forerunner of four function machine (Gottfried Leibniz, Germany)
1823 - Differential Engine (Charles Babbage, England)
1833 - Analytic Engine - The forerunner of modern digital computer!(Charles Babbage)
1854- Binary Logic Operators AND, OR, NOR (George Boole, England)
1890 - Punching Cards, Tabulating Machine (Herman Hollerith, USA)
1904 - Diode Vacuum Tube (John A. Fleming)
1815-52 - Ada Byron aka (Also known as) “Lady Lovelace”– The first programmer
1936 - The Universal Turing Machine
1944 - Harvard Mark I built in IBM Endicott laboratories
1944 - Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer
1945 - Zuse's Z-series of computers (Konrad Zuse)
1948-52 - IBM’s SSEC
1958 - The TX-O - first transistorized computer
1960 - PDP-1 - first minicomputer
1974 - the Xerox Alto – first Workstation
1981 - the first PC
1984 - The first laptop
PC architecture includes a structure that reflects the PC composition, software and mathematical provision. The PC structure - a set of elements and relationships between them. The basic principle of construction of all modern PC is a software management.