The theory and practice of state and municipal administration.
Unit III.
X. Перескажите текст.
Вопросы для самопроверки.
2. Что представляет собой мировой финансовый рынок?
3. Какова структура мирового финансового рынка?
4. Что обуславливает создание финансового центра в г. Алматы?
5. Каковы основные условия Бреттон – Вудской систмеы?
6. Как развивался мировой валютный рынок?
7. Каково нынешнее состояние мирового валютного рынка?
8. Каковы основные положения Ямайской конференции?
9. Каковы основные центры международного рынка ценных бумаг?
10. Каковы особенности выпуска и обращения ценных бумаг в США?
11. Каковы особенности выпуска и обращения ценных бумаг в Великобритании?
12. Каковы особенности выпуска и обращения ценных бумаг в Японии?
13. Каковы особенности выпуска и обращения ценных бумаг во Франции?
14. Каковы особенности выпуска и обращения ценных бумаг в Германии?
15. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка в Чили?
16. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка в Германии?
17. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка во Франции?
18. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка в США?
19. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка в Великобритании?
20. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка в Израиле?
21. Каковы особенности пенсионного рынка в Латвии?
22. Каковы особенности ипотечного рынка в Малайзии?
23. Каковы особенности ипотечного рынка в США?
24. Каковы особенности ипотечного рынка в Германии?
25. Каковы особенности ипотечного рынка во Франции?
Список литературы:
1. Искаков У.М., БохаевД.Т. Финансовые рынки и посредники Алматы.: 2005 г.
2. Усенова Г.С. Финансовые рынки и посредники, М.: ЮРИСТ, 1999.
3. КидузллД.С. Финансовые институты, СПб: Питер, 2000 г.
4. Государственное регулирование рынка ценных бумаг [Текст] : учебное пособие / В. А. Белов. - М. : Высшая школа, 2005.
5. Рынок ценных бумаг [Текст] : учебное пособие / Л. Б. Узбаканова. - Семипалатинск : Каз.ФЭИ, 2004.
6. Рынок ценных бумаг / Под ред. В.И.Галанова, А.И.Басова. М.: Финансы и статистика, 2000 .
Among all types of governing activities the most important one is state administration. That is caused by its main properties:
1. The governing impact of state administration rests on the state power. Its subject – the state - exerts the decisive influence on the character of interactions caused by this type of governing.
2. The state with the help of legislation sets fundamental general and typical rules (norms) of people behaviour in all spheres of social life and ensures it’s observance by it’s power. State governing extends throughout the whole society and even beyond its boundaries.
3. The state, being a complicated and many-folded social phenomenon and playing the role of the subject of administration, imparts to a state governing the property of a system. The presence of the state makes state administration purposeful, subordinated, concerted, coordinated, as well as rational and effective.
The structure of state bodies can be effective and stable only if it is supported by a system of municipal and local administration and self-administration. Practically all decisions of the state pass through local bodies of administration. People evaluate the state administration in the light of satisfying their necessities of life, namely: supply with food, good living conditions, social order, warmth, electrical energy and the like. Local administration possesses all signs of power, the main of which is that it’s decisions are obligatory for all citizens of a municipal formation. But at the same time local administration works within the laws adopted by the bodies of state power. On the one hand, the state delegates part of it’s authority to local bodies and on the other hand allows local bodies to carry out some social activities independently. To fulfil these responsibilities, local bodies have their own resources such as their own budget and municipal property. Municipal power is an elected body, representation of local population is obligatory.
From the point of view of theory and practice, state and municipal administration is:
1. The ability of achieving social aims using labour, intellect and motivation of people.
2. A type of activity consisting of guiding people and organizations.
3. A specific sphere of knowledge helping to carry out this activity.
4. A certain category of state officials engaged in administration.
5. A specific type of working activity.
6. A set of forms and methods through which a coordinated activity of people in the process of joint labour is accomplished.
Functions of managers in state and municipal administration are as follows:
- Analysis, evaluation and prognostication of development of political, social and economic processes;
- Objective information supplied to supreme leaders of the country, ministers, representative bodies, heads of administration about the state of affairs in the provinces;
- Rending consulting services to politicians on the basis of the analysis of the information and evaluation of alternative variants for decision-taking;
- Bringing to life laws, regulations and resolution adopted by official powers;
- Securing of high effectiveness of state and municipal administration;
- Reporting to superior officials and representative bodies about social and economic effectiveness;
- Solving day-to-day organizational problems.
I. Read the following words :
Caused by, properties, impact, exert, decisive, character, interactions, typical, behaviour , spheres, observance, whole, boundaries, evaluate, satisfying, signs, authority, budget, engaged, coordinated, prognostication, provinces.
II. Remember the following words and word combinations:
- State administration – государственное управление
- To cause – являться причиной, вызывать
- Properties – свойства
- Impact – влияние, воздействие
- To exert – оказывать
- Decisive – решительный
- Influence – влияние
- Interaction – взаимодействие
- Legislation – законодательство
- Behaviour – поведение
- To ensure – гарантировать
- Observance – соблюдение
- To extend – распространять, распространяться
- Beyond boundaries – за пределами, за границами
- Evaluate – оценивать
- In the light of – в свете
- To satisfy – удовлетворять
- Necessities – предметы первой необходимости
- Namely – а именно
- Social order – общественный порядок
- To possess – обладать
- Obligatory – обязательный
- To adopt – принимать ( о законах, постановлениях)
- On the one hand – с одной стороны
- On the other hand – с другой стороны
- Authority – власть
- delegate – передавать , перепоручать
- Responsibilities – обязанности
- To elect – избирать
- Point of view – точка зрения
- To achieve – достигать
- Aim – цель
- To guide – руководить, вести
- Accomplish – выполнять
- State of affairs – состояние дел
- To rend services – оказывать услуги
- To bring to life – осуществить
- Regulation – постановление
- To report – докладывать
III. Say what parts of speech are the following words:
Character, typical, behavior, exert, purposeful, pass, evaluate, administration, adopted, knowledge, supreme, organizational, practically, coordinated, development, extend, responsibility, decision-taking, alternative, independently.
IV. Form nouns from the following adjectives:
Decisive, stable, warm, electrical, obligatory, economic, organizational, purposeful, legislative, administrative, effective, necessary, energetic , local , independent, responsible, representative.
V. Find synonyms among the following words:
Important, main, authority, subject, impact, help, ensure, supply, fulfil, obligatory, responsibilities, effectiveness, labour, solve, decide, efficiency, compulsory, urgent, power, influence, guarantee, carry out, duties, work, decide, provide, assistance, matter, essential.
VI. Translate the following group of words from Russian into English:
Управленческая деятельность, основные свойства, управленческое воздействие, государственная власть, решающее влияние, характер взаимоотношений, общие и типичные правила, общественная жизнь, все общество, за его приделами, сложное и многообразное общественное явление, свойство системы, государственные органы, местные органы администрации, предметы первой необходимости, хорошие жилищные условия, общественный порядок, электроэнергия, муниципальное образование, в то же самое время, с одной стороны, с другой стороны, такие как, муниципальная собственность, выборный орган, местное население, точка зрения, специфическая сфера знаний, координированная деятельность, совместный труд, экономические процессы, высшие руководители страны, представительские органы, состояние дел, оказание консультативных услуг, принятие решений, официальные лица, повседневные организационные проблемы.
VII. Make up sentences using the following words:
- All, state, of, through, administration, bodies, decisions, the, pas, local, of, practically.
- Signs, possesses, of, local, power, administration, all.
- Delegates, the, part, authority, to, bodies, state, of, it’s, local.
- Body, is, elected, municipal, an, power.
VIII. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:
- The governing impact… state administration rests… the state power.
- The state… the help… legislation sets fundamental general and typical rules… people dehaviour… all spheres… social life.
- People evaluate the state administration… the light… satisfying their necessities… life.
- … the one hand , the state delegates part… it’s authority… local bodies and… the other hand allows local bodies to carry out some social activities independently.
IX. Ask as many questions as you can to each of the following sentences:
- Practically all decisions of the state pass through local bodies of administration.
- Local administration possesses all signs of power.
- To fulfil these responsibilities, local bodies have their own resources .
- Municipal power is an elected body.
X. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the most important governing activity?
2.What does the governing impact of state administration rest on?
3. Who exerts the decisive influence on the character of interaction between different bodies of power?
4. How does the state influence the social life of people?
5. Where does the state governing extend?
6. What kind of phenomenon is the state?
7. What role does the state play in the administration?
8. How does the state help to exert administration?
9. What bodies support the state administration?
10. How do people evaluate the state administration?
11. What signs of power does local administration possess?
12. What helps local bodies to fulfil their duties?
13. What type of power is municipal power?
14. How can you characterize state and municipal activity from the point of view of theory and practice?
15. What are the main functions of managers in state and municipal administration?
XI. Retell the text..
XII. Work in pairs. Discuss the difference and interrelation between state and local administration.