Analyze the meanings of the italicized words. Identify the result of changes of the denotational aspect of lexical meaning in the given words.
Analyze the motives of the italicized words.
Define the kind of association involved in the semantic change.
Model:glass (a transparent solid substance used for making windows, bottles, etc.) — a glass (a container used for drinking, made of glass)
The kind of association involved in the semantic change in the words glass — a glass is known as metonymy or the contiguity of meaning.
1) the foot of a person — the foot of a mountain; 2) jean (heavy twilled cotton cloth, esp. denim) —jeans (trousers made of denim); 3) Matisse (proper name) — a Mattisse (a painting); 4) the wing of a bird — the wing of a building; 5) the key to a door — the key to a mystery; 6) copper (metal) — copper (coin); 7) the heart of a man -the heart of a city; 8) crown (a circular ornamental headdress worn by a monarch) — crown (monarchy); 9) a whip (a lash used to urge horses on) — a whip (an official in the British Parliament to see that members are present at debates); 10) China (a country) — china (dishes made of porcelain (фарфор).
Chairmanship, co-existence, co-ореration, foresee, fruitful, ice-cream, indeed, house-warming, to mirror, noteworthy, pigtail, unintelligible, safeguard, bedstead, homestead, to stand somebody in good stead, nightingale.
Model:loan: 'a gift from a superior; a thing borrowed' — 'a sum of money which is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back, usually together with an additional amount of money that you have to pay as a charge for borrowing'
The result of the change of the denotational aspect of lexical meaning of the word loan is that the word became more specialized in meaning (restriction of meaning, specialization).
1) camp: 'a place where troops are lodged in tents' - - 'a place where people live in tents or hunts'; 2) girl: 'a small child of either sex' -'a small child of the female sex'; 3) bird: 'a young bird' - - 'a creature with wings and feathers which can usually fly in the air'; 4) arrive: 'reach the shore after a voyage' - 'reach a place at the end of a journey or a stage in a journey'; 5) deer: 'any quadruped (четвероногое животное)' - - 'a hoofed grazing or browsing animal, with branched bony antlers that are shed annually and typically borne only by the male'; 6) rug: 'rough woolen stuff -- 'a small carpet'; 7) barn: 'a place for keeping barley' — 'a large farm building used for storing grain, hay, or straw or for housing livestock'; 8) glide: 'to move gently and smoothly' - - "fly with no engine'; 9) room: 'space' - - 'a part or division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling'; \Q)fly: 'move with wings' -- 'to move through the air or in the outer space'; 11) artist: 'a master of the liberal arts (гуманитарные науки)' -- 'a person who produces paintings or drawings as a profession or hobby'; 12) champion: 'a fighting man' -- 'a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition, especially a sporting contest'; 13) campaign: 'army's operations in the field' -- 'a connected set of actions intended to obtain a particular result, in military operations, in politics and business'.