Exercise 12. Write an essay on theme “Nauryz” .

Choose the right word to complete the proverbs

1. East or West — home is ….

a) better

b) worth

c) good

d) best

2. A … in need is a friend indeed.

a) mother

b) friend

c) father

d) people

3. Better be born … than rich.

a) lucky

b) happy

c) poor

d) poverty

4) A … in the hand is worth two in the bush

a) friend

b) bag

c) bird

d) baby



English Russian Kazakh
barley ['bɑːlɪ] ячмень арпа
sacrifice ['sækrɪfaɪs] жертва, жертваприношение құрбан ету
raisin ['reɪzən] виноград жүзім
believer [bɪliːvə] верующий сенуші
perished ['perɪʃ] страдать от ч-либо қалжырау
disgust [dɪs'gʌst] отврашение, возмущаться наразылық білдіру; жек көрушілік
troop [truːp] отряд, группа людей әскер бөлімі
spirit ['spɪrɪt] дух, душа жан
boredom ['bɔːdəm] скука іш пысу
fatigue [fətiːg] усталость шаршау


SIW №45

Learn by heart the new words.

1.Grammar exercises p.66 (b), 67 (a),69 (a) [2]

2.Discussion: “What do you know about USA and UK cultural events?” p102, [3; 4]


Office hour №15

1.Speak on the topic “Let`s celebrate”. [5]