English Russian Kazakh
head [hed] глава басшы
head office [hed'ɔfis] головной офис бас офис
branch [bra:ntʃ] отрасль сала
colleague ['kɔli:g] коллега әріптес
manufacture [mænj ə'fæktʃ ə] производить өндіру
employer [im'plɔiə] работодатель жұмыс беруші
employee [,implɔi'i:] работник жұмысшы
customer ['kʌstəmə] потребитель тұтынушы
workplace ['wз:kpleis] рабочее место жұмыс орны
expand [ [ik’spænd] расширять кеңейту


SIW №22

1.Learn by heart the poem«She Walks In Beauty».

2. Find Kazakh or Russian equivalents and express your opinion on the sayings. Make dialogues, using these proverbs: a) “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life” (Confucius, Chinese philosopher) b) “Be not afraid of growing slowly; be afraid only of standing still” (Chinese proverb)


SIW №23

1. CD “New English File” F.7 B. Learn by heart the new words. Ex. B1, C. [1].

2. Discussion «Doing business. To be a good/bad manager», “What kind of company would you like to work?”



1. Clive Oxenden “New English File”. Upper-intermediate.StudentsBook.Oxford, 2010.

2. Clive Oxenden and Christina Latham-Koenig “New English File”. Upper-intermediate.Workbook.Oxford, 2010.

3. А.С. Андриенко. Английский язык для студентов неязыковых вузов. Ростов-на-Дону, Феникс, 2010


4. Raymond Murphy. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for upper-intermediate students. 2009.

5. David Cotton. Business English. Market Leader. Longman 2009.