The Category of Aspect
Aspect is a category that denotes thу way of representation of the action. If in Russian the differences here is in logical completion or inner completion of the action. In English the aspect meaning is different. It’s the opposition of action as effect vs action as a process.
Pr.c+- Pr.I. P.c+- P I; F.c+ - FI
The markers are discontinuous morphemes with to be as the first element (be+Ving). In English this opposition is reduced for some verbs. First of physical perception- see, hear; of mental activity-understand, reason; durative verbs- hate.
These are cases of neutralization some context this rule is broken for the sake of style. And in this case we deal we transposition. (he is always smiling. Can I see Mr Brown- you are seeing him)
27.The category of mood of verbs.
Mood expresses relation between the action and reality. All languages have 3 basic moods that constitute a triple equipollent opposition. The first is imperative, that denotes orders commanders and requests.-read the book. Let's visit him.
The second is indicative that denotes real actions in all tenses- we read the book.
The third mood denotes all kinds of unreal auctions-oblique mood.
Some linguists treat this category in a more general way. And they oppose real and unreal actions only. From this viewpoint imperative is not real either.
1) Indicative
2) Oblique: a) imperative
b) subjunctive: 1) probable actions:
a) subjunctive 1(synthetically) (if he were here, we would discuss it.)
b) suppositional mood (analytical) (i suggest that we should do to the cinema)
2) impropable actions:
a) subjunctive 2 (synthetically) (if he helped us now, we would do it immediately)
b) conditional mood (analytical) (if i were you, i would by tickets by advance)
В русском языке нереальность выражается частицой «бы».
28. The category of voice of verbs
Voice denotes direction of the action that can be actualized in two ways.
If the action is directed from subject to object it is active voice- i read a book.
If the action is opposed from object to subject it is called-passive.-the book is read by me.
This category is a binary private opposition, where passive is expressed analytically.-to be +Ved.
At the same time the grammatical meaning of some words doesn't coincide either with active of passive.
First of all-voice transformations and be applied not to all verbs. There are verbs that can be passivized. Besides there are cases when the object is used but the meaning of the verb is neither active nor passive. Some linguists speak about 3 more voices-reflexive, reciprocal, middle.
1) reflexive- he washed himself (он умылся) S=O
2)reciprocal- they kissed each other
3)middle. -The book reads well. The linen washes well