The category of tense

The category of number of verbs.

In all Indo-European languages this category is expressed by means of inflections and the number of them depends on languages type – synthetic or analytical. The number of persons is universal, because it’s determined by the structure of any communicative situations. The 1st person- speaker, the 2d- addresser, the 3d- non- participant of communication. And correspondently each person can be singular and plural. If in Russian there are 6 different inflections, in English there is only one- s. The rest forms have zero inflections. This situation is connected with 2 viewpoints upon the essence of this category. The 1st viewpoint is that all 5 unmarked forms are expressed by the same zero inflection so the opposition is of binary privative type.

The 2d viewpoint deals with humanity of 5 zero inflections- multiple equipollent opposition.

Tense is a grammatical category that shows logical relations of time. We analyze time in its referent to the moment of speaking. It’s a triple equipollent opposition where each member has its own meaning. For present the only marker is- s and zero inflection. For past- ed, sound alternation, suplitevism (go-went). Future forms are traditionally called analytical ones and the auxiliaries “shall” and “will” are used. It depends upon person. At the same time historically “shall” and ”will’ go back to modal verbs- sculan willan. And in many context even now we feel modality even now. (we will do it with pleasure). In such cases we can’t call “shall” and “will” just auxiliaries. Some call them modal words and from this viewpoint the form can’t be called analytical.

25. the category of time correlation of verbs.

This category denotes not logical time, but the idea of correlation between two actions. Its expressed by the opposition of all perfect form vs indefinite ones. (Present Perfect- Present Indefinite. Past Perfect- Past Indefinite)юЕру marker is auxiliary verbs “have” that change according to tense. And the opposition is multiple binary type.

The perfect form is used only is such cases if the idea of correlation of actions is important. If we don’t use Indefinite forms. There are several ways of expressing the second action. The first way- direct- in complex and compound sentence (WE had helped him and then he left.)

The second way- indirect. When the second action is denote by some time indicate (Мы это сделали к 5 часам. We have done it by 5 o’clock).

The third way – implicit. When the relation is established between the action and the moment of speaking which is meant, nut not named. (Мы сделали мы этою We’ve done it already)