Stylistic synonyms are words conveying the same notion but differing in stylistic characteristics

Ideographic synonyms are words conveying the same notion but differing in shades of meaning (in the notion and emotion expressed)

a piece - a lump (square) - a slice (thinly cut); to cry - to shout - to yell - to roar; to tremble - to shiver - to shudder; to run - to dash; anger - fury; to like - to admire - to love; well - known - famous - celebrated - notorious

to begin - to start - to commence (bookish); catching - infections (bookish) sky (neutral) - heaven (poetic) to try - to endeavour (bookish) to help - to assist (bookish)

Stylistic colouring may also be accompanied by a difference in a emotional colouring or some other shades of meaning, to say - to pronounce (pompously) head - onion money - cabbage

Such synonyms are called ideographic - stylistic.

Contextual synonymsare similar in meaning only under some specific distributional conditions. Thus, the words "to stand, to suffer, to bear" semantically, used separately, are different words. But in the negative form they denote one and the same notion (become synonyms): can't stand it; can't suffer it; can't bear it.

Absolute (total) synonyms are words coinciding in all their shades of meaning and in all their stylistic characteristics.They are usually technical and scientific terms. In the course of time they may develop different characteristics in one or all of them.

Eg.: noun - substantive; oculist - eye specialist; pharmacist - chemist; therapist -physician; neurologist - nerve specialist; medical texts are rich in total synonyms.


Synonyms are the basis of language culture. To speak correctly and well one must know a lot of synonyms and differences between them.

Linguistic analyses of scientific and popular medical texts shows the wide usage of the following synonyms:

trigger - cause; to offer - to suggest; seizure - fit; sick - ill; example - sample; to need - to demand, - to require; frequently - often; to help - to assist; condition -disease - illness; to occur - to take place; impaired - handicapped; to require - to demand; different - various; to treat - to cure, benefit - effect; fat - stout - obese; doctor - health professional - health worker; pediatrist - foot specialist; chemist's -pharmacy; to develop - to fall ill, rheumatologist - a joint specialist; normally -generally, etc.

There are some explanations.