English Kazakh Ruussian
Relationship қарым-қатынас отношение, взаимоотношение
Single жалғыз единственный , одинокий
Divorce некенің бұзылуы, некені бұзу расторжение брака, развод
Grandson немере внук
Cousin немере аға, іні, жиен, бөле кузен
Nephew немере жиен племянник
Niece немере жиен племянница
sister-in-law келін, каыйнсіңлі,балдыз невестка, золовка ,свояченица
brother-in-law жезде, қайынаға, бажа зять, шурин (брат жены) ,свояк (муж свояченицы) деверь
Grandparents ата, апа дедушка и бабушка

Task for SIW:Make a presentation about your family (8 Slides)

Task for Office hours:Write an essay. “Pros and cons of being oldest and youngest child in the family”

(150 words)


Main literature:

1.New English file (pre-intermediate) Student’s book/Work book ClieveOxenden Christina Latham – Koening. Oxford University Press, 2010

2. New Inside Out (pre-intermediate) Student’s book Sue Kay & Vaughan Jones Macmillian 2012

3. Cutting edge (pre-intermediate) Student’s book. Sarah Cunningham and Peter Moon Longman 2008

Additional literature:

4.“Essential grammar” R.Murphy. Second edition. (pre-intermediate )l. Cambridge University Press. 2009.

5.Brush up your English Romanovich A. U. Moscow 2007

6.New Headway(Pre-Intermediate) John and Liz Soars



Hand-out Discipline:English as a foreign language Lexical theme:Working day Pre-Intermediate Grammar:word order of phrasal words Practical lesson 3 Assistant professor:Bozhbanova T.E.

Give the equivalent of the proverb in Kazakh and Russian:


GRAMMAR: word order of phrasal words


  Every morning I get up at 8.00. Then I turn on the radio. I always have to look for my glasses.  
A phrasal verb=verb=particle (preposition or adverb) get up, turn on, look for. 1 Some phrasal verbs don’t have an object. Come inandsit down.What time do you get up? 2 Some phrasal verbs have an object and are separable. Put onyour coat.Turn offthe TV. · With these verbs you can put the particle (on, off, etc.) before or after the object. Put on your coat OR Put your coat on. Turn off the TV OR Turn the TV off. · When the object is a pronoun (me, it, him, etc.) it always goes between the verb and particle. Here's your coat.Put it on.NOT Put on it.I don't want to watch TV.Turn it off.NOT Turn off it. 3 Some phrasal verbs have an object and arc inseparable. I'm looking for my keys. I'm looking for them. With these phrasal verbs, the verb (look) and the particle (for) are never separated I looked after my little sister. NOT I looked my little sister after I looked after her. NOT I looked her after.


1 Complete the sentences with a particle from the box.


away back down for off up


Turn off your mobile before you come into class. ⱱ

a)Turn ____ the radio. It’s too loud.

b) What time do you usually get ___ in the morning?

c) John phoned when you were out. He’ll call ___ later.

d) My brother is looking ____ a new job.

e) I think you should throw ___ those old jeans.


2 Complete the sentences with it or them and a particle.

off on up (x3)

a) I can't hear the radio. Turn ____ _____.

b)Your clothes are all over the floor. Pick ______ _____.

c) Here's your coat. Put ______ ______.

d)What does this word mean? Look _______ ______.

e)Your shoes are wet. Take ______ _____.


Listening [3, p153]

1 Look at the photo of Mr Reynold. You are going to listen to a radio interview with him. Work with a partner and discuss possible answers to these questions.

a) What sort of company does Mr Reynold work for?

b) When did he start working for the company?

c) How old is he now?


Listen and check your ideas.


1 Listen again and decide if these statements are true or false. Correct the false statements to make them true.

a) Mr Reynold never forces anybody to retire.

b) The oldest employee a t Reynold's is 97.

c) Revnold's Davs a decent salary.

d) Employees get five weeks' paid holiday.

e) All the staff are over the retirement age.


2 Complete the sentence.

a) Reynold’s is a ………..

b) It opens late on ……. and ………

c) The oldest employee is ……..

d) I started working here in …….

e) …… is going to take over the business next year.


3 Answer the questions.

a)What does in the department store sell?

b) How old was the oldest employee?

c) How many staff do they employ?

d) How many secretaries did he have all his working period?

e) How old is Mr Reynold?



READING. 1 Read and translate the first two paragraphs.Scanning [4, p. 40]