Ответ на письмо-жалобу
Подпись, имя, должность.
Стандартное окончание письма.
Сообщите о мерах, которые будут предприняты в том случае, если Ваши требования не будут удовлетворены.
Потребуйте от компании, не выполнившей свои обязательства, разъяснений, компенсации за причиненный ущерб, возмещения моральных и материальных издержек.
Если это уместно, опишите Ваши собственные действия, которые Вы предприняли, чтобы решить возникшую проблему.
Допускается выразить свои чувства по поводу происшедшего, предположить причины, которые вызвали данную проблему.
You can imagine our disappointment when we discovered…
I can suppose that the your partner in Santo Domingo didn't…
I am very sorry I even came into this book store…
You can imagine our feelings when we realized that this would mean…
We have tried to contact you by phone but could get anyone who knew anything about this matter.
We contacted your representative in Katmandu, but unfortunately without any success.
We enclose a report on the damage from:
The best solution would be for me to return the wrong items to you, postage and package forward.
I feel I deserve some sort of compensation for this such as…
I suggest the money be exchanged at the rate pertaining on that day and that all charges be waived.
We must insist that you have to cover our expenses…
We must insist on receiving our prior payment…
I should therefore like to have my money refunded.
Therefore I look forward to hearing your comments.
We would be interested to know if you can offer an explanation for this poor quality of your service.
We will keep the goods until…
Unless we receive a satisfactory answer, we will be forced to put the matter into the hands of our solicitors.
Unless you can fulfill our orders efficiently in the future, we will have to consider other sources of supply.
I look forward for hearing from you.
Yours sincerely / Yours faithfully
Your name
Ответ на жалобу клиента/партнера по бизнесу также относится к "трудным" письмам, поскольку в нем надо будет дать исчерпывающее объяснение причин, вызвавших недовольство клиента/партнера, сохранив при этом лицо своей компании.
План письма:
1. Ссылка на письмо-жалобу. We thank you for your letter of May 22, 2000, in which you informed us that package number 5 of the above consignment contained the wrong goods.
Your detailed description of the damage was very helpful to us.
Thank you for your letter of May 22, 2000, in which you pointed out that three mistakes totally DM 1560 had been made on your statement.
We would like to thank you for informing us of our accounting error in your letter on May 22, 2000.
We are always interested in receiving comments from our customers because this helps us to improve the service.
2. Объясните, что вызвало проблему.
We have investigated the matter and found that the mistake was due to…
This was largely due to circumstances beyond our control.
I would, nevertheless, like to point out that…
We have looked into this matter and there appears to have some confusion in the numbering of two different orders which were collected by our forwarding agent to Moscow.
I can only assume that the forwarding agent made a mistake, and the contents of this case were intended for another customers.
3. Перечислите Ваши действия, которые были Вами предприняты, чтобы разрешить возникшую проблему немедленно.
The material you complained about has been withdrawn.
We have already shipped replacements for the…
4. Сообщите, какие меры были предприняты, чтобы не повторить подобную ошибку в будущем.
We have reviewed our… and can assure you that similar mistakes will not happen again.
You may be sure that such a mistake will not be made again.
The new procedures will ensure that this problem will not happen again.
5. Принесите свои извинения за принесенные неудобства.
Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience.
We were very sorry about the inconvenience you have experienced.
I apologize for the errors which were due to a fault in our computer, which has now been fixed.
However, we sympathize with the inconvenience you have been caused and would like to offer you some sort of compensation.
Finally, we would like to apologize for the inconvenience you were caused and to thank you for your patience in this matter.
We would, therefore, like to offer you a 20% discount on your next purchase.
6. Закончите письмо в оптимистическом тоне.
We look forward to hearing of the safe arrival of the replacements and to doing further business with you.
Once again, I regret any inconvenience you may have suffered and look forward to doing further business with you.
К данному разделу можно также отнести письма-напоминания об оплате счетов. Ниже приведены примеры таких писем.
Пример 1.
Настойчивое напоминание об оплате счета.