Геоморфологическое положение

Exercise 2 Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), or if the text doesn’t say (D).

Exercise 1 Here are some simple definitions for words that appear in the text on Worksheet A. Find the words they refer to and fill in the gaps.


1. _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ ng (adjective): very surprising

2. _ n _ c _ _ _ t _ _ _ (phrase): used for saying that a number is continuing to increase as time passes

3. l _ f _ _ x _ _ _ t _ _ c _(noun): the length of time that someone is likely to live

4. a _ _ _ mm _ _ _ t _(verb): to provide enough space for something or someone

5. c _ _ as _ _ _ _ _ e (noun): disaster

6. c _ n _ _ _ p _ _ _ _ (noun): the process of buying or using goods, or the amount that people buy or use

7. o _ _ _ _ op _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (noun): the situation in which there are too many people living in a place

8. _ _ ll _ _(verb): to be interested in the progress of someone or something, and therefore to pay attention to it

9. c _ _ _ u _ w _ _ _ something(phrasal verb): to produce or provide something

10. _ _ e (noun): large monkey

11. r _ t _(noun): the speed at which something happens within a particular period of time

12. cr _ _ _ _ (noun): an urgent, difficult or dangerous situation

13. p _ _ d _ _ t _ _ _(noun): a statement about what you think will happen in the future

14. s _ _ n _ _ _ _ o _ l _ v _ _ _(noun): the quality of life that a person or society has, particularly because of how rich or poor they are

15. m _ l _ u _ _ _ t _ _ _ (noun): the medical condition of being weak or ill because you do not have enough food to eat

16. _ _ _ _ nk (verb): to become smaller in size

17. n _ t _ _ _ l r _ s _ _ _ _ _ _ (noun): important substances (such as wood, oil, water) that exist in a country’s land and sea

18. If there is only a limited number or amount of something, we can say that thing is
f _ _ i _ e (adjective).

19. s _ _ t _ _ _ i _ _(noun): facts expressed as numbers

20. _ _ t a _ _ _ e (phrase): used for saying that something is even less likely to happen than another unlikely thing (for example, ‘I probably can’t run five kilometres, _ _ t a _ _ _ e ten.’)

Seven billion and countingworksheet C


1. One hundred years ago the world’s population was 2.5 billion.


2. Everyone agrees about how the global population will probably grow after 2050.


3. Medical advances have had a big effect on population growth.


4. There does not seem to be a connection between a country’s rate of population growth and how rich the country is.


5. Europe now has around 15% of the world’s population.


6. No one believes the world’s population will be above 12 billion at the end of this century.


7. There are countries in Africa with fast rates of population growth.


8. The population of the United States will grow slowly between now and 2050.


9. The world’s population will probably grow by another billion between now and 2030.


10. In some poor countries there have been rises in life expectancy since the 1950s.

Exercise 3
Answer the questions below.


1. When was the world’s population half of what it is now?


2. How is it possible to arrive at the conclusion that ‘7% of all the humans ever born are alive today’?


3. The text mentions two different predictions for what will happen to the global population after 2050: what are they?


4. Why, according to some people, is it impossible for seven billion humans to live like people in the world’s richer countries currently do?


5. What is the opinion of the ‘optimists’?


Техническое задание :

1.Объект: жилой дом.

2. Адрес: город Саратов правобережье близ реки Волги .

3.Краткая характеристика объекта :

3-х этажное здание размером 35х30 .

4. Тип фундамента: ленточный глубина залегания 3 метра.

5. Масштаб топографической основы : 1:500 (1см= 5 м)

Карта фактического материала

№ скв. № Слоя Происхождение и возраст грунта Толщина слоя, м . Характеристика грунта по визуальным признакам
Q4 0,4 Почвенно-растительный слой
dQ4 1,2 Суглинок
gQ3 0,8 Песок пылеватый
gQ3 2,4 Суглинок
mQ2 3,6 Супесь
mQ2 1,4 Глина
Q4 0,4 Почвенно-растительный слой
dQ4 0,6 Суглинок
gQ3 1,1 Песок пылеватый
gQ3 2,6 Суглинок
mQ2 3,5 Супесь
mQ2 1,4 Глина
Q4 0,5 Почвенно-растительный слой
dQ4 1,0 Суглинок
gQ3 0,7 Песок пылеватый
gQ3 2,2 Суглинок
mQ2 3,7 Супесь
mQ2 1,9 Глина
Q4 0,4 Почвенно-растительный слой
dQ4 1,2 Суглинок
gQ3 1,0 Песок пылеватый
gQ3 2,1 Суглинок
mQ2 3,3 Супесь
mQ2 2,0 Глина

Таблица 2.1
2.2 Геологическое строение

Таблица 2.2
2.3 Гидрогеологические условия

№ скв. № Слоя № Пробы Главная отобранная проба, м ᴡ,% ᴡL,% ᴡP,% ρ,г/см3 ρs,г/см3
  1,66 2,71
  - - 1,78 2,09
  1,89 2,71
  1,68 2,73
  2,00 2,66
  1,98 2,66
  1,91 2,73
  1,94 2,72

Таблица 2.3
2.3 Физико-механические свойства грунтов.

Ip Il ρd e Sr
0,2 1,39 0,94 0,54
- - 1,67 0,60 0,26
0,29 1,73 0,56 0,30
0,31 1,55 0,08 1,61
0,4 1,69 0,58 0,82
0,66 1,71 0,56 0,76
0,27 1,54 0,24 1,91
0,26 1,57 0,23 1,94

Ip=ᴡL-ᴡP Ip – число пластичности ,%

ᴡL – влажность на границе текучести

ᴡP - влажность на границе раскатывания

W- влажность ,%

IL - показатель текучести

pd -плотность скелета грунта

p- плотность грунта г/см3

e- коэффициент пористости

ps- плотность частиц

Sr-коэффициент насыщенности

pw – плотность воды 1 г/см3



2.5 Выделение ИГЭ

Таблица 2.4