Tell about the climate in Belarus.
Weather and climate
Чагодощенского муниципального района к Дню Матери
№ | Дата, время | Мероприятие | Учреждение |
| 23.11.12 16:00 | «Быть женщиной! И жить любя…» (25 ноября – День матери)с. Белые Кресты | МБУ «Белокрестское СКО» |
| 25.11.12 14:00 | «Мама – песенка о счастье» - концертная программа | МБУ «Борисовский ДК» |
| 23.11.12 12:00 | «Все на земле от материнских рук» Л-Гора | МБУ «Белокрестское СКО» |
| 25.11.12 15:00 | «Мама, мамочка, мамуля» - концерт ко Дню Матери. | МБУ «Первомайский ДК» |
| 30.11.12. | Литературно- музыкальная гостиная «Семья вся вместе – душа на месте» | МБУ «Мегринский ДК» |
| 25.11.12 | Праздничная концертная программа к Дню матери | МБУ «Чагодощенский РДК» |
| 02.12.12 11:00 | Праздничная программа «Все о матерях» | МБУ «Избоищский ДК» |
| 25.11.12 19:00 | Конкурсно-развлекательная программа «Мамины сыночки» | МБУ «Покровский КДЦ» |
| 25.11.12 19:00 | Развлекательная программа ко Дню матери | МБУ «Лукинский КДЦ» |
| 25.11.12 15:00 | Выступление мужского квартета п.Сазоново | МБУ Сазоновский ДК |
| 07.12.12 18:00 | Концертная программа ко Дню матери | МБУ Сазоновский ДК |
| 25.11.12 15:00 | Праздничный концерт ко Дню матери. В продолжении - вечер за столиками | Смердомский клуб |
| 23.11.12 14:00 | Выставка работ кружковцев музея. | МБУ «Чагодощенский музей истории и народной культуры» |
| 28-29 ноября | Театрализованное представление «Ангельская душка» для кружковцев музея. | МБУ «Чагодощенский музей истории и народной культуры» |
| 23 ноября 14:00 | Театрализованное представление «Ангельская душка» для ветеранов. | МБУ «Чагодощенский музей истории и народной культуры» |
1. Now let’s talk about weather and climate. What is happening to weather and climate nowadays?
As we know the weather depends on the season and the climate of the country and the geographical position of the country. Climate is the weather in a certain place over a long period of time. Climate has very important influence on plants, animals and humans and is different in different parts of the world. The weather influences our mood and physical state. Also the economy and agriculture are determined by the climate.
Some scientists think that the world is becoming hotter. Many people say that it is so because of the greenhouse effect. During the last 100 years people have produced a lot of carbon dioxide. It lets heat get in, but it doesn't let much heat get out. So the atmosphere becomes warmer. People and animals breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide. We produce carbon dioxide when we burn things. Trees produce oxygen, but because of deforestation, there are fewer trees, and, more carbon dioxide! These changes can be dangerous for our planet.
Last years we observe some weather anomalies, like heatwaves in summer(as it was in 2003,2010) and heavy snowfalls in Europe, Africa which is very unusual for these regions.
A lot of natural disasters have happened for the last years: earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, heatwaves, tornadoes, tsunami, and volcano eruptions. I guess it may bethe result of humans` activity.
The weather in Belarus depends greatly on the climatic conditions in the eastern part of Europe.
Our country has a moderate-continental climate. It means that winters are fairly cold and summers are moderately hot. The longest season is winter. It lasts almost 5 months. In winter the sun shines rarely. The air is frosty, it often snows, the streets are slippery with ice. The rivers and lakes are frozen. Spring usually begins in April. Summer is the shortest season, because it becomes really warm late in June.
Autumn is the season of rains, nasty wind, trees fade away, days become shorter.
3. What questions would you ask a meteorologist?
- Why aren’t the weather forecasts always true? - What instruments are used at weather stations?
- How do you think what may happen in the result of the global warming?
4. What can you advise a person who is weather dependent?
If you are weather dependent and feel bad and too tired when it’s going to rain or before thunderstorm, try to be careful because it can be dangerous. Some people suffer from high blood pressure or even heart attacks may happen. Therefore don’t overload yourself with work these days, avoid intensive physical activity. If there is no need stay at home, have rest, check your blood pressure regularly.
5. They say there is no bad weather, there are bad clothes. What do you think about it?
Every season has it’s features both good and negative. Let’s take autumn. It’s maybe the most unpleasant time because of rains and drizzle, strong winds, it gets colder. But it’s the time of harvest, tasty fruit and vegetables, beautiful golden leaves, the time when nature is very attractive.
Despite winter is cold and we have to put on much clothes, some people are fond of it. In winter we can go in for winter kinds of sports: skating, skiing, and tobogganing. Children enjoy being out-of-doors. They like to make a snowman and to throw snowballs.
Summer is the happiest season for most people, because they have their holidays. It’s a good time for going to the seashore or a river beach, to become sunburnt, to pick berries and mushrooms, to spend much time out-of-doors. Although it is the time of showers, rains and thunderstorms.
As for me, I like spring best of all.. The temperature rises warmer, birds sing their beautiful songs. Nature changes from grey to green. In May the tress are in blossom. Spring is the season of hopes, it’s the season of revival of nature and people’s dreams.
So I must confess that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way.