IV. Сreative contest
Natural resources, greenhouse effect, acid rain, environment, exhaust.
Правила экологического поведения.
с 01.10.2013 по 18.10.2013:
1. Лингвистический конкурс «Экология» (знание ключевой лексики по теме).
2. Викторина «Состояние окружающей среды сегодня: цифры и факты».
4. Эссе: «Мы – экологическое поколение».
Ответы участников присылаются
до 18 октября 2013 г.на электронный адрес zbchoubina@mail.ru,
ответы высылаются файлом-вложением,
название файла и тема письма оформляются следующим образом:
Название этапа_Номер команды (Например: 1этап_458)
I. Linguistic contest "Ecology"
(10 points)
1) What does ecology mean and its origin?
2) Choose the correct definitions of these words:
The warming of a planet and its lower atmosphere caused by trapped solar radiation.
To draw off or let out completely (air, gas, etc.), as from container.
Rain with a high concentration of acids produced by sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels: it has a destructive effect on plant and life, buildings, etc.
Those actual and potential forms of wealth supplied by nature, as oil, water, power, arable land, etc.
All the conditions, circumstances, and influences surrounding, and affecting the development of, an organism or group of organisms.
3) Proverbs about the nature: restore the English proverbs of these words and find Russian equivalent.
1) vacuum nature abhors a
2) coals tо to carry Newcastle
3) at night red delight sky shepherds
4) stand may oaks reeds the storm fall when
5) not a swallow summer one does make
II. Quiz «State of the Environment yesterday and today: facts and figures»
(30 points)
1) Name 10 the most important environmental problems which pose a threat to humans.
2) What are the reasons of this ecological disaster? Name all the possible variants.
3) When was the Red Book of the Sverdlovsk region created? Name 10 species (types) of protected animals and plants in our region.
4) Name 3 environmental associations in Russia and 3 countries in English speaking countries. What is their main aim? Do not forget give their reference.
5) Make up the rules of environmental behavior at school. (10 rules) (Use: Microsoft Power Point 97-2003 (.ppt).
III. Integrated contest «Polyglot».
(12 points)
1) Find equivalents for these words and phrases.
№ | Russian | English | German | French |
Окружающая среда | ||||
Загрязнение | ||||
Заповедник | ||||
Фауна | ||||
Флора |
2) When and in what country was the first reserve created?
3) Name 3 the greatest environmental disasters that have happened around the world in the 21st century. Find the country, date, cause, consequences.
4) What does WWF mean?
5) What happened in Rio de Janeiro in 1992?
(35 points)
1) Translate into English
Ты, человек, любя природу,
Хоть иногда её жалей;
В увеселительных походах
Не растопчи её полей;
В вокзальной сутолоке века
Ты оценить её спеши:
Она – твой давний
Добрый лекарь,
Она союзница души.
Не жги её напропалую.
И не исчерпывай до дна,
И помни истину простую:
Нас много, а она – одна.
2) Essay: « We - environmental generation»
Volume: 120-150 words.
1. Content:
· Organization of the text, logicality
· Depth of content
· Originality of the text
2. Linguistic correctness:
· richness of vocabulary
· variety of grammatical structures.