For students of all specialties

For students work in the study subjects


Odessa State Economic University


Дополнительная литература

Основная литература

Рекомендуемая литература


1. Исаев, И.А. История государства и права России: учеб. пособие. - Москва: Проспект, 2011. – 336 с.

2. История отечественного государства и права /Ред. О.И. Чистяков. – М.: Юристь. – (Institutiones) Ч.1. – 4-е изд., перераб. И доп. – М.: Юристь, 2006.

3. История отечественного государства и права /Ред. О.И. Чистяков. – М.: Юристь. – (Institutiones) Ч.2. – 3-е изд., перераб. И доп.– М.: Юристь, 2005.

4. История государства и права/ Под редакцией Чистякова. Юристь, 2007. Гриф МО РФ.



1. Отечественное законодательство XI - XIX веков: Пособие для семинаров. Ч.1,2./Под ред. О.И. Чистякова. – М.: Юристь, 1999.

2. История отечественного государства и права. Сб. документов. Ч.1,2./ Сост. Т.М. Баженова. – Екатеринбург, 1999.

3. История отечественного государства и права: Сб. документов Ч. 1,2./ Сост. Н. Анисимов, А. Смыкалин и др. – Екатеринбург 2003.

4. С.В Пахтюн Обычное гражданское право в России. В док. и матер. М.: 2003 (переиздание 1877 – 1788)

5. Р.А. Папьян Христианские корни современного права М. 2002.







Odessa 2012


Dear students! Your attention offered guidelines on the ”History of Ukraine” course. It includes a program for the course, which is in view of the course "History of Ukraine" for higher education in economics. Guidelines also contains themes and seminars plans, assignments for the first and second rating tests, questions and problems for independent and individual work of students, themes category and recommended books for the course in general, a typical test problem with discipline, the subject of individual tasks with the problem of "History of Ukraine in the names", frequently asked questions to prepare for the exam in the discipline.

It should be noted, that the history of Ukraine embodies the stages of the historical path of the Ukrainian people, who made a significant and unique contribution to the development and progress of European and world civilization, economics, forms of economic, material and spiritual culture of mankind. The historical evolution of Ukrainian society strongly suggests that the Ukrainian people for several centuries had its own national state, defended it fought for its revival and preservation. In present conditions of the new Ukrainian state great importance is the growth of interest in the country's history, the origins of the Ukrainian people, the formation of its statehood and use the best historical traditions and positive experience in the practical life of society as a whole and the individual. And this applies to virtually all industries, sectors and areas of social life - the economy, market reforms and political transformation, social transformation, spiritual and cultural processes and so on.

Note, that the "History of Ukraine" course is the basic normative discipline approved by the Ministry of Science and Education of Ukraine, it is an integral part of humanitarian training students. This course aims to promote civic responsibility and national consciousness of future professionals - economists, managers, help students acquire deep and new knowledge, develop skills of independent unbiased analysis and evaluation of key historical events, and build their professional and social activities on a sustainable basis richest and yet dramatic historical experience of the Ukrainian people.

Deep and comprehensive study of the history of Ukraine is impossible without mastering documentary source base, educational and methodical literature, the results of research scientists, systematic materials appropriate encyclopedies, dictionaries, directories, reflecting the political, socio-economic, spiritual and cultural development of the Ukrainian people from ancient times to the present. Qualitative understanding, learning and development programs and course content will be an additional factor in the formation of the modern young man - a specialist of the business, a mature citizen of his country, the civilized world's exchanges and cooperation processes, conscious of their own identity and national identity.