Chapters 1, 2
1. Learn the following words:
- to jump smb with smth – свалить в одну кучу
- to eye the cheese – глазеть на девчонок
- to amble over – идти неторопливо
- tome – фолиант
- to bail smb out – выручать из беды, помогать
- to opt for – выбирать
- lousy – вшивый, непристойный, непотребный, подлый, отвратительный
- to watch smb’s profanity – выбирать выражения
- pithy phrases – содержательные фразы
- to loathe - питать отвращение, не выносить, не любить, ненавидеть
- to bulldoze – напрашиваться
- snotty – заносчивый
- to perforate the nets – распечатать ворота противника
- to lash mightily – хлестать, сильно ударять
- to remonstrate – протестовать, возражать
- seething with frustration – кипя от ярости, возмущения
- to boo – загудеть, зашуметь
- to impugn the vision and integrity – подвергать сомнению ясность зрения и честность
- to be riveted on smth – устремить взгляд
- to deflect – отразить удар
- vicinity – близость, соседство
- jock – спортсмен
- to take whirly-pooly – полоскать
- to pivot – повернуться
- oinks, grunts, guffaws – ужимки, хрюканье, гогот
2. Translate and dwell on the sentences:
1. Either way I don’t come first, which for some stupid reason bothers hell out of me, having grown up with the notion that I always had to be number one.2. Okay, maybe I look rich, but I wouldn’t let some ‘Cliffie – even one with pretty eyes – call me dumb.3. For it is my special albatross to be related to the guy that built Barrett Hall, the largest and ugliest structure in Harvard Yard, a colossal monument to my family’s money, vanity and flagrant Harvardism.4. Part of being a big winner is the ability to be a good loser.5. As we walked all the way back (I have a car, but she wanted to walk), Jenny held on to my sleeve. Not my arm, my sleeve.3. Paraphrase the italicized words using the vocabulary list:
1. I have come to your rescue because I am sure you would do the same for me.
2. I wish you’d control the obscenity when taking to me.
3. He is so arrogant and behaves as if he were the king of the world!
4. I object to being treated like a child. I’m a grown-up!
5. When this little boy sees a balloon he fixes his eyes only on it and nothing can distract him.
6. His proximity to this famous actress brings him a lot of problems.
7. She turned round to make sure that he didn’t see her.
8. I despise people who lie to their dearest and nearest.
4. Translate the sentences into English using active vocabulary:
1. Кипя от возмущения, он не мог найти слов, чтобы объяснить ситуацию.
2. Из двух квартир он выбрал ту, которая располагалась ближе к месту его работы.
3. Толпа загудела, когда противник забил гол нашей команде.
4. На улице погода была прекрасной, и она неторопливо шла по парку.
5. Он не решился протестовать, так как понимал, что во всем виноват только он.
6. Дождь сильно хлестал по окнам, и ей казалась, что наступил конец света.
7. Он глазел на девчонок и не мог поверить своему счастью.
8. Не стоит напрашиваться на комплименты. Если он захочет, то скажет все сам.
9. В настоящее время честность некоторых СМИ подвергается сомнению.
10. Он устремил взор вдаль, как будто хотел разглядеть там ответы на все вопросы.
5. Put the sentences in the correct order:
1. By the middle of the second period, we were beating Dartmouth 0-0.
2. “So his not-so-great grandson would be sure to get in”.
3. “I’m Jennifer Cavilleri,” she said, “an American of Italian descent”.
4. In an instant, we were hugging and kissing.
5. Suddenly she popped out from behind a bush, her face swathed in a scarf, only her eyes showing.6. Mostly old hockey faithfuls, the grads who’ve never mentally shed the pads.7. I would like to have seen the expression on her face, but strategy forbade my looking back.8. Dartmouth had the puck around our goal again, and again our goalie deflected their shot.6. Say whether the following sentences are true or false:
1. Once, when she specifically jumped me with those musical types, I asked her what the order was, and she replied, smiling, “Random”.2. There were two girls working there. One a tall swimmer-anyone type, the other a bespectacled mouse type. I opted for Minnie Four-Eyes.3. I normally cut these types to ribbons, but just then I badly needed that goddamn film.4. Fortunately I didn’t mention this, as I later discovered it was of her own design. 5. She looked me straight in the eye and smiled. "I like your jacket," she said.6. I sat, trying to catch my breath, not looking up or even out onto the ice, where New Jersey outmanned us.7. My eyes were riveted on our goal, now swarming with Grey bastards.8. Wherever she was hiding, Jenny would hear the big enthusiasm for my presence.9. It was Jackie Belt, our trainer and self-appointed spiritual guide.10. How long had I lingered in that comfort while she was out there in the Oxford cold?
7. Answer the following questions:
1. Describe the first meeting of Olli and Jenny.
2. Describe Olli and Jenny.
3. Describe the hockey match.
4. What can you say about the real reason of Olli’s invitation to the café.
5. Do you believe that Olli could fall in love with Jenny so quickly?
6. Comment on Jenny’s reaction to Olli’s confession in love.
7. What can you say about Olli’s attitude to his richness? What about Jenny?