Antonymic Dictionaries
Dictionaries of Writers’ Language
- A. Schmidt. Shakespeare Lexicon, 2 vols., Lnd., 1886;
- E. Abbot, Concordance to the Works of Alexander Pope. N. Y., 1965.
8. Historical Dictionaries:
- J. Bosworth, An Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, Lnd. 1882-98;
- H. Kurath, A. M. Kuhn, J. Reidy. Middle English Dictionary. Michigan Univ.
9. Dictionaries of Neologism:
- 6000 Words. A Supplement to Webster’s Third New International Dictionary Mass. Merriam, 1976;
- Berg P.S. A Dictionary of New Words in English. 2nd ed. Lnd., 1953;
- Reifer M. Dictionary of New Words. N.Y. 1955;
- Barnhart C.I. The Second Barnhart Dictionary of New English. Lnd., 1980.
10. Synonymic Dictionaries:
Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms. Mass., Merriam, 1968. It is a dictionary of an explanatory type. Much attention is paid to the depth of distinctions between synonyms. The best dictionary-inventory is Laird Ch. Webster’s New World Thesaurus. N.Y., New American Library, 1971. 30000 entries, each of which represents an exhaustive list of synonyms, Practically the dictionary reflects all the active vocabulary of modern English speakers.
Close to inventories we may put Roget’s International Thesaurus N. Y., Cromwell.
Very popular in Britain and USA is Soule R. A Dictionary of English Synonyms and Synonymous Expressions / Ed. by A.D. Sheffield. N.Y. Bantam Books.
We may also mention Allen F.S. Allen’s Synonyms and Antonyms. N.Y. Harper and Crabb Y. Crabb’s English Synonyms. N.Y. Crosset and Dunlop.
Hogan H. Dictionary of American Synonyms. N.Y.
Among the Russian editions the best is Апресян Ю.Д. Англо-русский словарь синонимов – М., 1979
register words of the same part of speech but different in meaning. Synonymic dictionaries give antonyms together with synonyms and special antonymic dictionaries are very few. Among them – Коммисаров В.И. Словарь антонимов современного английского языка. – М., 1964.
12. Phraseological Dictionaries:
- Cowie A.P., Maskin R. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English. Vol. I Verbs with Prepositions and Particles. Oxford, 1975. Next volumes are planned.
One of the best dictionaries published in Japan is: Ichikawa S. The Kenkyusha Dictionary of Current English Idioms. Tokio, 1980.
The best American dictionary of this Kind is Boatner M. T., Gates J. E. A Dictionary of American Idioms / Ed. By A. Makkai. N. Y., 1975).
We must also mention Collins V.H. A Book of English Idioms. Lnd. Longmans, 1956). It was published (перепечатан в СССР) in 1960; A Second Book of English Idioms. Lnd., 1958; A Third Book of English, Idioms. Ind. Each of the books includes about 1.000 phraseologisms.
The best bilingual phraseological dictionary is «Англо-русский фразеологический словарь». А.В. Кунина. It is a real masterpiece, a monument to its compiler. The dictionary describes English phraseologisms from Ch. Dickens (1812-1870) up to Modern English. It was first published in 1955 and now we deal already with the IV th edition containing about 30.000 phraseological units, the material for illustration includes the novels of our contemporaries (!).
13. Dictionaries of Collocations:
They teach the student of English the rules of collocation. Their number is not great.
- Crowell T.L. A Glossary of Phrases with Prepositions. With Exercises: Lnd., 1957; The Kenkyusha Dictionary of English Collocations, Tokyo, 1900;
- Берлизон С.Б. Сочетания типа make up, make for в современном английском языке. – М., 1964;
- Гинзбург Р. и др. Глагольные словосочетания в современном английском языке. – М., 1975.