Structural aspect
Word building (final lesson)
Практическое занятие №7
1) Composition (continued).
2) Semantic aspect of compounds.
3) Semi-affixes.
4) Shortening.
5) Minor types of word-building:
a) Onomatopoea.
b) Reduplication.
c) Back-formation (reversion).
1) a) fill in the following scheme with the titles given for every group of compounds (put them in the empty boxes trying to identify their proper places):
c) give the examples of above-mentioned types of compounds;
d) represent the definition of Composition (illustrate your answer with examples0.
e) practical work : fulfill ex.3 p.122 ( identify the neutral compounds in the word combinations and write them in three columns : A. Simple neutral compounds. B. Neutral derived compounds. C. Neutral contracted compounds.)
f) speak on the theory: How do you understand the linguistic term “semantic aspect of compound words”?
g) writethe translation of the following linguistic terms:
составные части, значения составляющих частей, сдвиг значения, компонент, свободная форма, непосредственное соседство, наложение, приспособление, прозрачное значение, безвозвратно потерянное значение, выведение значения, закодированный смысл.
h) answerthe following questions:
1. What are the three groups of compounds regarding their semantic aspects?
2. What is the difference between non-idiomatic compounds and idiomatic compounds? Give your own examples of each group.
i) explain the role of semi-affixes with examples;
j) give your own examples of shortening;
k) speak on the minor types of word-building :
1. onomatopoeia;
2. reduplication;
3. back-formation (reversion).
Home work: 1. Read and learn p.p. 225-236of the textbook ( Phraseology:Word groups with Transferred Meanings).
2. Answer the questions 1-7 p.p.236-237 of the textbook.
Практическое занятие №8
Phraseology: Word-Groups with Transferred Meaning.
Plan :
1. Definition of phraseological unit.
2. Difference between idioms and free word-groups.
3. Grammatical invariability of phraseological units.
4. Proverbs and their difference from phraseological units.
a) answer the following questions:
1. What linguists (in Russia and abroad) contributed most in English Phraseology?
2. Speak on the semantic classification of the idioms.
3. Describe the structural organization of the English idioms.