Nature of semantic change
Causes of semantic change
Semantic change
Word meaning can change or develop in the course ([kɔːs] в ходе) of historical development of the language.
The term “development of meaning” is used when a new meaning and the old meaning is coexist ([ˌkəuɪg'zɪst] сосуществуют) in the semantic structure of the word.
For example snail [sneɪl] – улитка (old)
snail – slow person ( new)
The term “change of meaning” is used when the old meaning is replaced (заменяет) by the new one.
For example meat – food (old)
meat – flash of animals, used as a food product
1) Historical or extra linguistics causes. They are changes in economic [ˌiːkə'nɔmɪk], social and scientific life. We can use some old word for a new object or notion (понятие).
For example carriage – vehicle ['vɪəkl] draw by horses
['kærɪʤ] (повозка, запряженная лошадьми)
carriage – a railway ['reɪlweɪ] car (вагон)
2) Linguistics causes. The development of new meanings or the change of meaning may be due to the influence of other words mostly synonyms ['sɪnənɪm].
For example In the old English the noun “deer” meant any beast, but then the noun “animal” was borrowed this word become synonyms. So the noun changed its meaning a certain (['sɜːt(ə)n] определенный) kind of beast.
Билет17 Nature(сущность) and results (результат) of semantic change.
A necessary condition ([kən'dɪʃ(ə)n] условие) of any semantic change is same connection (связь) (association) between the old meaning and the new one. There are two kinds of association [əˌsəusɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n] metaphor and metonymy.
Metaphor ['metəfə] метафора. It is based on the similarity ([ˌsɪmɪ'lærətɪ] сходстве) of meaning. A new meaning appears as a result of associating two object or phenomena [fɪ'nɔmɪnə] due to their outward (['autwəd] внешней) similarity.
For example eye of a needle – ушко иголки
tooth of a comb [kəum] – зубчик расчески
the heart of the country – столица
coat of a dog – шкура
neck of a bottle – горлышко бутылки
Metonymy [me'tɔnəmɪ]. It is based on contiguity ([ˌkɔntɪ'gjuːətɪ] близосте) of meanings. A new meaning appears due to psychological (психологической) links between different objects and phenomena.
Types of metonymic relation classifications of objects:
1) Common position (общее положение)
For example the foot of the mountain – подножье горы (так как стопа и подножье внизу) (the lowest pact)
2) Common function
For example hand of a clock – стрелка (to point)
3) Case and effect (обстоятельство и результат)
For example dull color –тусклый свет (not clear for bright)
4) Material and object made from it
For example mink – норка, зверь: a mink – норковое пальто
glass – стекло, a glass – стакан
5) Geographical [ʤɪə'græfɪk((ə)l)] or proper (['prɔpə] специфические) names become common names
For example Ford (фамилия) – a ford (машина марки Форд)
Sandwich (фамилия – sandwich (бутерброд)
6) Names of inventors ([ɪn'ventə] изобретатель and things they invented[ɪn'ventɪd]
For example Watt (фамилия) – Mr. Watt is out (света нет)
7) The name of a painter and his pictures
For example Picasso (художник) –a Picasso (картина Пикассо)