Тем6 Minor word building processes in modern English
Билет12 Back formation, shortening.
Back-formation. There are words that appeared ([əˈpɪə] появились) due to (из-за) the fact that part of the word was mistaken (по ошибке был принят) for an affix. For example a verb is made from a noun by subtraction ([səbˈtrækʃən] вычитанием). The process of back-formation can easily be paralleled [ˈpærəlel] in other languages (садить – сад, видеть – вид)
For example babysitter (noun) – to babysit (verb)
sculpture (noun) – to sculpt (verb)
beggar (noun) – to beg (verb)
Shorting.It`s the formation of the word by cutting (отрезанием) off a part of the word. Shortenings are made in 2 different ways:
1) By clipping (['klɪpɪŋ] отрезанием) part of the words
2) By making a new word from the initial (начальных) letters (букв) of a word group (abbreviations)
a) Initial shortening (начальное сокращение → отсекается начало). The initial part of the word is clipped.
For example (tele)phone → phone, (cara)van → van
b) Medial ['miːdɪəl] shortenings (сокращается середина слова). The middle part of the word is clipped.
For example fan(ta)sy → fancy, ma(da)m → mam
c) Final shortening (отсекают конец слова). The last part of the word is clipped.
For example doc(tor) → doc, prep(aration) → prep
d) Both initial and final shortening (отсекают и начало и конец слова). The beginning and the end of the word are clipped.
For example (in)flue(nce) → flue, (re)frige(rator) →fridge
2) Abbreviation [əˌbriːvɪ'eɪʃ(ə)n]
a) Acronyms ['ækrə(u)nɪm]. They are pronounced (произносятся) as independent words. (читается словом)
For example UNO (ЮНО) – United Nations Organization
NATO (НАТО) –North Atlantic Treaty (['triːtɪ] договор) Organization
b) Initial abbreviation with alphabetical reading. (читается по буквам)
For example BBC, MP – Member of Parliament, PM – prime minister
c) Word combination with one element initially abbreviated.
For example V-day – Victory day
A-bomb – atomic bomb
d) Latin ['lætɪn] abbreviation
For example etc. – и так далее
i.e. – that is (то есть)
e.g. – foe example
Билет13 Blending['blendɪŋ], sound imitation, sound interchange, stress interchange, reduplication [rɪˌdjuːplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n].
Blending ['blendɪŋ] (словослияние).A special type of word formation with the help of merging ([mə:dʒ] слияние) parts of different words. The words are called blends ([blend]смешенные).
For example slimnastic = slim + gymnastic [ʤɪm'næstɪk]
brunch = breakfast + lunch
edutainment = education + entertainment
Sound imitation.It`s the process of making new words by imitating different kinds of sounds. That are produced by animals, birds, insects ['ɪnsekt], people and objects.
For example Moo, splash.
Sound interchange.It is the formation of a word by changing some sounds. It is nonproductive in modern English. There are may be:
a) Vowel-interchange (['vauəl] гласный звук) For example food – feed
Vowel interchange may be combined with abbreviation
For example strong – strength
b) Consonant interchange (['kɔn(t)s(ə)nənt] согласный звук) For example advice – to advise
3) Consonant and vowel interchange For example a life – to live
Stress interchange. It is the formation of the word by means (по средствам) of the shift (перемешения) of the stress For example import – import, export (noun) – export (verb)
Reduplication [rɪˌdjuːplɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] удвоение. New words are made by doubling (['dʌblɪŋ] удвоением) a stem
a) Without any phonetic changes For example Bue-bye
b) With a variation of the root vowel or consonant For example ping-pong
Билет14 The semantic structure of the English word.
The brunch of linguistics which studies lexical meaning of the word is called Semasiology ([sɪˌmeɪsɪ'ɔləʤɪ] раздел языка, изучающий значения слов) (by Soviet ['səuvɪət] or Russian scholars) or Semantics (by British and American scholars)
Word meaning is the most difficult problem in modern linguistics. Meaning is a component ([kəm'pəunənt] составная часть) of the word through which a concept (concept понятие, идея) is realized. Word meaning is made up of different components. They are called “Types of meaning”.