Тема5 Word-formation means or word-building processes in modern English


There is a special branch of lexicology that studies the patterns (['pæt(ə)n] модели) on which a language forms new lexical units – word-formation.

There are different word-formation means in modern English. They are:

1) MAGOR ['meɪʤə] главные

· affixation (добавляется суффикс или приставка)

· composition (словосложение sun + light = sunlight)

· conversion (конверсия – переход из одной части речи в другую, без добавления суффикса или окончания work (noun) → to work (verb)

2) MINER ['maɪnə] второстепенные

· shortening (сокращение)

· sound imitation (звукоподражание)

· sound interchange (замена, чередование звука)

· stress interchange (замена ударного звука)

· blending (['blendɪŋ]) (слияние – одно слово проникает в другое

smoke [sməuk] курить + fog [fɔɡ] туман = smog [smɔɡ] густой туман с дымом и копотью; смог)

· backformation ( babysitter (noun) → to babysit (verb))


Билет8 Affixation (general, notion) suffixation, hybrids (['haɪbrɪd] гибрид, помесь).

Affixationis one of the most productive ([prə'dʌktɪv] эффективных) ways of word building. It consists in adding an affix to the steam of the definite part of speech.

Affixes are divided into:

· suffixes

· prefixes

Affixes can be classified into:

· productive

· nonproductive

Productive affixes are those [ðəuz] which take part in forming new words in this period ['pɪərɪəd] of language development. The best way to identify the productive affix is to look for them among ([ə'mʌŋ] среди) neologisms ([nɪ'ɔləʤɪz(ə)m] новое слово). But one shouldn`t confuse([kən'fjuːz] путать) the productivity of affixes with the frequency (['friːkwən(t)sɪ] частотными). There are a lot of high frequency affixes which were productive long ago but are not longer used in word formation (For example: micro, lete –productive).

Suffixation.The main function of suffixes in Modern English is to form one part of speech from another.

The secondary function is to change the lexical meaning of the same part of speech.

There are different classifications of suffixes:

1) Part of speech classification

· noun-forming suffixes (-er, - dom, -ness; For example kingdom, worker, kindness)

· adjective-forming (-less (отсутствие), -able (наличие); For example; helpless, useless, , reasonable)

· verb-forming suffixes (-ize, -ify; For example computerize (внедрять), dramatize (инсценировать), simplify (упрощать))

· adverb-forming suffixes (-ly; For example simply (легко), properly (правильно))

· numeral-forming ['njuːm(ə)r(ə)l] suffixes (-teen, -ty; For example fifteen, fifty)

2) Semantic [sɪ'mæntɪk] classification (suffixes change the lexical meaning of the stem)

· the agent (['eɪʤ(ə)nt] представитель) of the action (профессии)(-er, -or, -ist, -ent; For example lawyer, actor, stylist)

· nationality ([ˌnæʃ(ə)'nælətɪ] национальность) (-ian, -ese, ish; For example Italian, Chinese, Spanish)

· collectivity ([ˌkɔlek'tɪvɪtɪ] общность) (-dom)

· quality (['kwɔlətɪ] свойство, характерная черта) (-ity; For example ability)

3) Etymological [ˌetɪmə'lɔʤɪk(ə)l] classification

· native (-er, -ful, -ness, -less)

· borrowed (-ment, -ize)

4) Productivity

· productive

· nonproductive

Hybridsare words made up of elements which came from two or more different languages. There are two basic types of forming hybrid words:

1) a foreign base is combined with a native affix (colorless, uncertain)

2) a native base is combined with a foreign affix ( ex-wife)


Билет9 Prefixation, semi-affixes, productive, non-productive.

Prefixationis the formation (образование) of words by adding a prefix to the stem. The main function of prefixes is to change the lexical meaning of the same part of speech.

There are different classifications of prefixes:

1) Semantic classification

· prefixes of negative ['negətɪv] meaning (un-, ir-, non-, im- For example unknown, unfair)

· prefixes denoting repetition ([ˌrepɪ'tɪʃ(ə)n] повторение) or reversal ([rɪ'vɜːs(ə)l] полное изменение) action (re-, dis-, de- For example rewrite)

· prefixes denoting time, place (ex-, pre- For example ex-student, pre-election)

2) Etymological classification

· native (under-, over-, un-)

· borrowed (de-, ex- For example decolonized)

3) According to productivity:

· productive

· nonproductive

Semi-affixes.There are such cases (случаи) when we can`t understand if we have a suffix or a root (корневая) morpheme in the structure of the word. In such cases we call this elements semi-affixes. Such affixes of the English vocabulary are used as independent elements and as second elements.

For example land – Scotland

man – sportsman

Now days the following semi-affixes are popular (europ-, micro- and other)

Affixes can be classified into:

· productive

· nonproductive

Productive affixes are those which take part in forming new words in this period of language development. The best way to identify the productive affix is to look for them among neologisms. But one shouldn`t confuse the productivity of affixes with the frequency. There are a lot of high frequency affixes which were productive long ago but are not longer used in word formation (For example: micro, lete –productive).


Билет10 Conversion [kən'vɜːʃ(ə)n] (превращениеб изменение, переход).

Conversionconsists in making a new word from same existing word by changing the category of the part of speech. The morphemic ['mɔːfiːm] shape of the original word remains ([rɪ'meɪnz] остается) unchanged.

The new word has a meaning which differs from that of the original one through ([θruː] через) it can be associated ([ə'səusɪeɪtɪd] связана) with it.

The new word has a new paradigm peculiar to its new category as a part of speech.

For example

nurse (noun) nurse (verb)

-s, pl -ed (past simple, past participle)

-`s, sg -ing

-s`, pl

Conversion is very productive in modern English. It is the English way to word building due to:

1) The analytical [ˌæn(ə)'lɪtɪk((ə)l)] structure of modern English

2) The simplicity ([sɪm'plɪsətɪ] простота) of paradigms English part of speech

3) A great number of one syllable (['sɪləbl] слог) words, which are more mobile

(Строгий порядок слов в предложении, практически нет ни падежей, ни окончаний).

The activity of conversion in different parts of speech various greatly (очень различно). Nouns and verbs especially effected (результат) by conversion. Verbs make from nouns are the most numerous.

· noun → verb (hand → to hand, face → to face, e-mail → to e-mail)

· verb → noun (to find → a find)

· adjective → noun (cold → a cold)

· adjective → verb (pale → to pale, yellow → to yellow)


Билет11 Composition ([ˌkɔmpə'zɪʃ(ə)n] составление, сочетание).

It is the type of word building in which new words are produced (производятся) by combining (объединения, сложения) two or more stems. Such words are called compounds (['kɔmpaund] сложные слова).

There are three structural ['strʌkʧ(ə)r(ə)l] types of compounds:

1) Neutral ['njuːtr(ə)l] compounds. The words which are formed without any linking elements by putting (составления) two stems together.

· simple neutral. These words consists of simple affix less (без суффиксов и приставок) stems (две основы без соединительного элемента)

For example Bed+room, sun+flower

· neutral derived ([dɪˈraɪv] производный, вторичный). They have affixes in their structure

For example kind-hearted, chain-smoker

· shortened ['ʃɔːt(ə)n] neutral compounds (or contracted). They have a shortened stem in their structure

For example TV-set, T-shirt

2) Morphological compounds. They are formed with the help of the linking elements: o, i, e, s, n

For example sport-s-man, now-a-days, hand-i-work, speed-o-meter,

3) Syntactic [sɪn'tæktɪk((ə)l)] (Syntactical) compounds. They are formed from segments of speech including preposition, conjunctions, articles, adverbs.

For example Jack-of-all-trades – мастер на все руки

Merry-go-round – карусель

mother-in-law – теща

forget-me-not – незабываемые

Semantically compounds may be:

1) Non-idiomatic [ˌɪdɪə'mætɪk] (completely motivated). The meaning is divided from the meanings of the immediate constituents. The meaning of the words understood from the meaning of its components.

For example Sun+light, dining+room

2) Idiomatic compounds. The meaning can`t be divided from the meaning of the constituents. The meaning of the word can`t be understood from the meaning of its components.

· partially motivated. The meaning of the constituents (components) are weakened ([ˈwi:kən] ослаблено) but we can guess (угадать) the meaning

For example me-generation – поколение, которое озабочено собственными


Lazy-bones – лентяй

· non-motivated. The meaning of the constituents (components) are lost (потеряно).

For example a blue+bottle – василек

a lady+bird – божья коровка

a lady+killer – сердцеед

a tall+boy – высокий табурет, бокал на высокой ножке

a Love+lace – ловелас