Test paper
I. Rewrite and translate into Russian the following text. Get ready to comment on it.
1. Anchorage. Nearly the whole of For Bay affords good anchorage in depths of about 11m., mud and clay, sheltered from W winds, but ships should avoid anchoring in the vicinity of The Ridge (50° 257 N 3° 32; W), a 6.0 m patch of rock, in the SW corner of the bay. Strong E or SE winds send a heavy sea into the bay.
2. Pilotage is compulsory for vessels of more than 50 m. in length to and from L Troise, Rade de Brest and its ports.
The pilot boats are capable of being at sea in heavy weather and are equipped with VHF RT; when a vessel is expected the pilot usually embarks NW of Pointe du Т., or in bad weather, at the entrance to Anse de Camaret; if the sea is too rough for the pilot to embark, the pilot boat will wait at the entrance to Rade de Brest, or in extreme conditions will lead the vessel to the anchorage.
Vessels should give 12 hours advance notice of their ETA at Pointe Saint-Mathieu addressed to "Pilotage Brest", failure to do so will necessitate a 10 per cent increase in pilotage fees.
3. Two leading beacons are situated at the NW end of the channel, the front beacon (yellow triangular topmark) and the rear beacon (yellow diamond shaped topmark) in line bear 298° and lead in the middle of the channel.
4. Meg Rocks, a group of rocky heads which dry up to 3 m., lie 3 cables NNE of Combe Point; no vessel should attempt to pass inside them. West Rock, which is awash, lies 1/2 cable WSW of the Verticals from which it is separated by a deep channel.
Detached rocky patches, with a least depth of 6,4m., lie within 1 cable W of West Rock.
II. Answer the questions:
1. What is it necessary to do to bring the ship to anchor?
2. What information is included in the "Cautions" on charts?
3. What lights are called "Navigation lights?"
4. What is the difference between a tide and a tidal stream?
5. What documents are required by Port Control?
III. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Если погода будет хорошая, то мы сможем зайти в порт без буксира.
2. Присутствие лоцмана на борту судна не освобождает капитана либо вахтенного помощника капитана от их обязанностей и ответственности за безопасность судна.
3. Примечания могут содержать сведения о том, что в данной местности буи могут смещаться в связи с изменением фарватера.
4. Где может быть получена якорная стоянка? - В бухточке у входа в гавань.
5. Согласно портовым правилам беспошлинные товары с таможенного склада должны быть опечатаны на судне.