Test paper

I. Rewrite and translate into Russian the following text. Get ready to comment on it.


1. Lights. N. Light is exhibited, at an elevation of 315 feet (96 m.), from a white quadrangular truncated iron tower, with a red top and concrete base, 12 feet (3m7), in height, situated on P., the western extremity of M.

A powerful green traffic light is exhibited, day and night, on the roof of a building about 2 cables eastward of the bridge, in reply to a vessel's sound signal requesting the bridge to be opened.

2. Cautions. In strong W gales, the whole area between the outlying rocks off Noirmont Point is a confused mass of breakers; marks at sea level, the bea­cons marking rocks may be obscured by driving spray.

When navigating the passages leading through the reefs, particular atten­tion should be paid to the following: the height of tide, as some of the recom­mended tracks pass close to or over shallow patches; the strong set of the tidal streams across the reefs in an E and W direction; the difficulty in identifying some leading marks in poor visibility and without local knowledge.

3. Directions. When disused light-house on Saint Agnes is in line with Penny Ledges, on the E side of the fairway bearing 091°, open Castle Bryher W of Great Smith to give a wider berth to Pasco Rock also on the E side of the fairway; when past this rock steer to keep the E extremity of Annet bearing about 182°, astern and having passed W of Great Smith at a distance of about 1 cable steer for the anchorage in Saint Mary's Road, taking care to keep Cam Irish, on the W extremity of Annet, open NW of Great Smith, in order to clear Bristolman and adjacent shoal lying NW of Saint Agnes.


II. Answer the questions:

1. What do cardinal marks indicate? Describe their shape and colour.

2. Is the pilot responsible for the ship's safety in case of any accident? Who is?

3. From what sources can a navigator get information about tides and tidal streams?

4. In what cases is taking a tug compulsory when entering or leaving a port?

5. What information does the captain require from the pilot before anchoring?


III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Когда буксиры подойдут к судну? - Через полчаса.

2. Сколько копий этих документов Вам нужно? - Мне нужно по две ко­пии каждого документа.

3. Якорная стоянка имеет много места для маневрирования (разворачи­вания).

4. Вы будете осуществлять проводку судна до самого причала? - Нет. Портовый лоцман сменит меня на траверзе маяка N.

5. При плавании в опасных районах следует постоянно вести тщатель­ное наблюдение.


IV. Rewrite and translate into Russian the following inscriptions on the chart.

1. Anchoring and fishing are prohibited in the dangerous area, and passing through it without permission is highly dangerous. Vessels disregarding this warning do so at their peril.

2. In C. Harbour the lights, buoys, beacons and wrecks are not shown on this chart; for these the larger scale chart must be consulted.

3. Because of strong currents and a high density of traffic, the Turkish au­thorities most strongly advise pilotage for vessels transiting Istanbul Bogazi (the Bosporus).



V.Translate the Russian part of the dialogue by VHF into English. Rewrite
the whole dialogue:

A.: Unknown ship on my radar screen on course 125°. Говорит Brighton лоцманская станция. Question. What are ваши название и позывные? Over.

В.: Brighton Pilot Station. This is m/v Germany. Romeo, Hotel, Oscar, Papa. Приём.

A.: M/v "G" This is B.P.S. Question: каковы ваши теперешние координаты, курс and speed? Приём.

В.: B.P.S This is m/v "G". Ответ. My present координаты, курс и скорость are: координаты 53° 25/N, 30° 15/E, курс 122°, speed 12 узлов. Приём.

A.: M/v "G". This is B.P.S. Принято. Your теперешние координаты 53° 25/N,30° 15/E, курс 122°, speed 12 узлов. Information. Port Pilot подходит к вам. Over.

В.: B.P.S. This is m/v "G". Readback is correct. Roger Information. Порто­вый лоцман подходит к нам. Over.

A.: M/v "G'. This is B.P.S. Приняли правильно. Приём.

В.: This is m/v "G". Thank you. Для вас больше ничего нет. Конец связи.


VI. Develop the following business situation:

Your ship is approaching the port where pilotage is compulsory. Describe preliminary arrangements aboard your ship for calling for and taking a pilot aboard.


VII. Read and translate the information about one of the ports from "Guide to Port Entry". Get ready to comment on this information and discuss it with the teacher.

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