I. Rewrite and translate the following text into Russian.
1. Leading lights are exhibited at Waterford (50° 45' N, 1° 32' W); the
front light from a metal structure, 11 m. in height, situated on the outer edge of
the river wall, and the rear light from a metal structure, 17m. in height, 2 cables NW of the front light.
These lights lead through the entrance to the river as far as Seymours Post Beacon, 6 1/2 cables within the entrance, where the channel turns to N.
2. Anchorage can be obtained in several places in Mount's Bay except during winter months when it may be obtained temporarily while waiting to enter harbour.
The best anchorages are in Penzance Bay, sheltered from all winds except those from between SSW and SE.
The depths in the bay decrease regularly, the bottom consisting chiefly of coarse sand and shell, but there are several patches of shoal ground extending up to 2 miles from the middle of the N shore of the bay.
3. Directions. In low visibility give Saint Antony Head and the land N. a berth of 1 mile, and do not approach Saint Mawes Bank within a depth of 14m, the edge of the bank being steep-to.
To enter by the W channel, proceed midway between Black Rock and Falmouth Point and when Black Rock Beacon comes in line with Saint Antony Head Lighthouse, bearing 111°, steer for Saint Mawes Castle until reaching the main fairway, then proceed as previously directed.
II. Answer the following questions.
1. What berthing information should be available before arrival in the port?
2. What are tides caused by?
3. What information is given in Pilot Books under the heading of "Directions"?
4. What structures are lights exhibited from?
5. How are dangers marked?
III. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Когда мы прибудем на внешний рейд порта Ливерпуль? - Если мы будем следовать со скоростью 16 узлов, то мы прибудем туда через 2 суток.
2. Следовать дальше без лоцмана опасно; глубины здесь неравномерные, и дно каменистое.
3. С какого борта подать лоцманский трап? - Вы должны подать лоцманский трап с правого борта.
4. Вам необходимо заполнить бланк декларации, в которой указываются все облагаемые пошлиной грузы.
5. Судам следует строго придерживаться правил МППСС.