Read the text again and make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk about intakes.

1) Types of canals.

2) Planning and building a canal.

3) Canal locks.

4) Famous canals.



Match the terms with their definitions.

  a) flood irrigation b) furrow irrigation c) sprinkler irrigation d) trickle irrigation 1) It covers a field with water. Dirt mounds called dikes hold the water on the field.
2) It spreads water in the form of mist over a field. It has an engine and wheels and moves across the field under its own power.
3) It provides water through plastic tubes. The water trickles out of tiny openings in the tubes into the soil.
4) It uses narrow ditches to carry water between rows of crops. The water flows through a pipe, foreground, and pours out through openings into the furrows.