Answer the following questions.
1) What is a canal?
2) Have canals served as important means of transporting goods and water?
3) What are two major types of canals?
4) What are navigation canals used for?
5) What are water conveyance canals used for?
6) What may navigation canals connect?
7) What structures enable vessels to travel an entire river by avoiding waterfalls, shallow areas, and other navigation hazards?
8) What do builders decide and consider?
9) What are canals usually used for?
10) When are canals cheaper than railroads or trucks?
11) Why do engineers study the terrain?
12) What does the width and depth of a canal based on?
13) What do water conveyance canals have to allow for animal migration?
14) What materials may be added to a canal to reduce leakage and prevent erosion?
15) What are canal locks used for?
16) Most locks are made of concrete, aren’t they?
17) Why do some locks have special reservoirs and auxiliary canals?
18) What is it necessary to do in order to move a vessel upstream where the water level is higher?
19) What should be done to move a ship downstream?
Divide the text into the parts according to the following plan.
a) Types of canals.
b) Planning and building a canal.
c) Canal locks.