Finish the following sentences.
1) The flow in large natural channels is usually measured with …
2) Among the most common methods are the uses of …
3) The upstream face of the weir must be vertical and …
4) Atmospheric pressure should be maintained under …
5) The approach channel should be straight and without …
6) Corrosion of the weir crest or damage by floating debris may alter …
7) The head on a weir is usually measured with …
8) The deposition of suspended particles results in …
9) Venture-flumes ought to be installed in …
10) Venturi-flumes are made of …
Answer the questions.
1) What meters are used to measure the flow in open channels?
2) What are the types of weirs?
3) What is necessary for weirs to give accurate water discharge?
4) What may alter the weir coefficient?
5) Is accurate flow measurement possible?
6) What is the head on the weir usually measured with?
7) What provides sizable error in measurements?
8) What happens if water contains suspended particles?
9) What difficulties are partially overcome by use of venture-type flumes?
10) Where must venture-flumes be installed for obtaining the best results?
11) What are venture-flumes made of?