Match according to the text.
1) Canal intakes 2) Chutes or drops 3) Outlet 4) Culverts or tunnels 5) Checks 6) Turnouts 7) Wasteways 8) Drainage culverts 9) Settling basins 10) Sand traps | are used | a) to divert flow from the main canals to smaller distribution ones. b) to regulate the flow in the canal. c) to accumulate sediment and to sluice it from a canal. d) to avoid excessive slope in the canal. e) to carry water through the obstructions. f) to convey water through a highway cut. g) to prevent entering excess storm water to a canal. h) to dissipate excessive kinetic energy. i) to raise the upstream water level to permit water diversion. j) to collect and to return back sediment to a river. k) to return excess water to the stream and to sluice sediment from a canal. |
Make up the plan of the text.
Write the summary of the text.