Find the translation of the following terms and memorize their meaning.

open channel a highway embankment rolled

conduits a highway cut to galvanize

pressure conduit obstruction protective paint

to convey a hill useful life

flume a stream to range

canal a gully properly

distribution canal excess cracking

tunnel inverted siphon contraction joints

to be similar a check pier

solution purpose precast sections

downgrade to raise to cast

a slope turnouts horseshoe section

excessive wasteways circular section

scour an overchute unstable

bed material culvert to collapse

to line settling basins a collapse

lining sand traps gunite

cement mortar to accumulate a chute

operation aboveground a drop

fish screens terrene partly full

smooth flow to employ timber flumes

to dissipate a depression pine flumes

kinetic energy semicircular fir flumes

hydraulic characteristics

Read the text to get the gist of it. Answer the following questions.

a) Are the problems of canal location similar in many respects to highway location?

b) What structures are necessary for the proper operation of canals?