Correct the following statements.
1) Embankment dams are seldom used across broad rivers to retain water.
2) For the construction of earth dams natural materials with a maximum degree of processing are utilized.
3) The latest known dams were built of earth.
4) The construction of earth dams is a simple operation.
5) A blanket of relatively pervious material may be placed on the downstream face.
6) Hydraulic-fill dams are constructed by dumping the material from trucks into its approximate position in the dam.
7) Rolled-fill dams are constructed by placing selected materials in thick layers and compacting them with special equipment.
8) Parapet walls as an additional safety factor and as an element of freeboard are sometimes provided on the upstream side of the crest of an earth dam under 30 ft in height.
9) Any earth dam can be considered fully impervious.
Answer the following questions.
1) What is the profile of an earth-fill dam?
2) What material is used for the construction of earth dams?
3) Earth dams are readily adapted to earth foundations, aren’t they?
4) What may be placed on the upstream face?
5) What are the types of embankments?
6) How is a hydraulic-fill dam constructed?
7) How is a semi hydraulic-fill dam constructed?
8) How is a rolled-fill dam constructed?
9) What special equipment is used for compacting the fill?
10) What may cause dangerous seepage?
11) What may the seepage of the earth dams be reduced by?
12) How should we protect the upstream slope of an earth dam against wave action?
13) Should upstream slope protection extend from above the upper limit of wave action to a berm?
14) Why should the grass be planted on earth slopes as soon as possible after completion of the dam?
15) Can you name the most famous earth-fill dams in the world?