Do you know the meaning of the following terms? Fill in the correct word from the list below.
a) storage(conservation) reservoirs e) minimum pool level
b) distribution reservoirs f) normal pool level
c) drought g) sedimentation
d) yield h) flood
1) _______ can retain excess water from periods of high flow for use during periods of drought.
2) Many cities provide for the construction of _______because of the varying rate of water consumption during the day.
3) _______ is the maximum elevation to which the reservoir surface will rise during ordinary operating conditions.
4) _______ is the lowest elevation to which the water surface in the pool is to be lowered under normal conditions.
5) _______ is the amount of water which can be supplied from the reservoir in a specified interval of time.
6) _______ is the process of deposition of a solid material from a state of suspension or solution in a fluid (usually air or water).
7) _______ is lack or insufficiency of rain for an extended period that severely disturbs the hydrologic cycle in an area.
8) ________ is a high-water stage in which water overflows its natural or artificial banks onto normally dry land, such as a river inundating its floodplain.
Find in the text the synonyms of the following words.
1) to construct - … 6) to influence - …
2) to produce, to make - … 7) to supply -…
3) to be situated - … 8) pervious - …
4) to control - … 9) chief - …
5) quantity - … 10) to alter - …
Find in the text the antonyms of the following words.
1) variable - … 5) moist - …
2) uncontrolled - … 6) constant, permanent - …
3) dangerous - … 7) insignificant - …
4) to separate - … 8) to hide - …
Make nouns from the following verbs.
Model: to cover → a cover
to require →… to depend→…
to regulate →… to result→…
Make verbs from the following nouns.
Model: a cover → to cover
characteristic →… design→… cost→…
a size →… distribution→… loss→…