Answer the following questions.
1) What is the main source of groundwater?
2) What formations are known as aquifers?
3) What does the amount of groundwater depend on?
4) What is measured by the porosity?
5) The soil pores contain both water and air in varying amounts don’t they?
6) Where does water move if the retention capacity of the soil in the zone of aeration is satisfied?
7) Is the water in the zone of saturation called the groundwater?
8) What is the specific yield?
9) Is the specific yield of fine grained materials less or more than that of coarse materials?
10) Give the examples of fine-grained and coarse materials.
11) What aquifers have a high specific yield?
12) Is Groundwater usually discharged only by evapotranspiration?
13) What is a spring?
14) Why is groundwater an important source of water supply, especially in areas where dry summer months or extended droughts cause streams to stop their flow?
15) What two sources of supply are interrelated?
17. Write the abstract for the text “Groundwater or subsurface water”.